2024 June "Returning to Dark Skies" named finalist for the Dwarf Star Award as the best short short speculative poems of 2023.
2024 June "fading echoes" named finalist for the Dwarf Star Award as the best short short speculative poems of 2023.
2024 June "the chosen one" named finalist for the Dwarf Star Award as the best short short speculative poems of 2023.
2024 June "apocalypse diet" named finalist for the Dwarf Star Award as the best short short speculative poems of 2023.
2024 May "Slow Dreaming" named finalist for the Rhysling Award as the best long speculative poem of 2023.
2024 May "Sleep Dragon" named finalist for the Rhysling Award as the best long speculative poem of 2023.
2024 May The Book of Sleep nominated for the Elgin Award as the best speculative chapbook of 2022-23.
2024 February "Sleep Dragon" nominated for the Rhysling Award as the best long speculative poem of 2023.
2024 February "Slow Dreaming" nominated for the Rhysling Award as the best long speculative poem of 2023.
2024 February "Metal Lullaby" nominated for the Rhysling Award as the best short speculative poem of 2023.
2023 May "leafy alien" nominated for the Dwarf Star Award as best short short speculative poem of 2022.
2023 May "Tea Dragon" nominated for the Dwarf Star Award as best short short speculative poems of 2022.
2023 April Curses & Recurses nominated for the Elgin Award as the best speculative chapbook of 2021-22.
2023 April The Book of Haibun nominated for the Elgin Award as the best speculative chapbook of 2021-22.
2023 Feb "Team Enrollment" nominated for the Rhysling Award as best long speculative poem of 2022.
2023 Feb "ex-lovers & other ghosts" nominated for the Rhysling Award as best long speculative poem of 2022.
2022 May "Hitting the Red Line" nominated for the Dwarf Star Award as best short short speculative poem of 2021.
2022 February "The Last Dragon" nominated for the Rhysling Award as best long speculative poem of 2021.
2022 February "Obsidian Blade" by Scott E. Green & Herb Kauderer nominated for the Rhysling Award as best long speculative poem of 2021.
2022 February "Scone Dragon" nominated for the Rhysling Award as best long speculative poem of 2021.
2022 January "Failed Space Colonists" nominated for the Rhysling Award as best short speculative poem of 2021.
2022 January "Scholar: Seeking Wisdom" received third place in the 24th Annual Critters Readers' Poll for best poem of 2021.
2021 November "The Shaman and the Cannibal" nominated for the XLVth Pushcart Awards as best short story of 2021.
2021 November "elites see elites" nominated for the XLVth Pushcart Awards as best poem of 2021.
2021 October "elites see elites" chosen as one of five 'editor's choice' poems for Star*Line 44:4 (which contains 77 poems).
2021 September "Frozen Hurricanes" won third place in the Dwarf Stars Award for best short short speculative poetry of 2020.
2021 August "Elegy for a Poet" nominated for Best of the Net for excellence in publications originally appearing electronically.
2021 June "seasonal greetings' nominated for the Dwarf Stars Award as best short short speculative poem of 2020.
2021 June "Frozen Hurricanes" nominated for the Dwarf Stars Award as best short short speculative poem of 2020.
2021 February "The Unicorn Insane" nominated for the Rhysling Award as best long speculative poem of 2020.
2021 February "Family Historian" nominated for the Rhysling Award as best long speculative poem of 2020.
2021 February "The First Dragon" nominated for the Rhysling Award as best long speculative poem of 2020.
2021 January "Names: SF's Influence on Name Freedom" won the Critters Annual Readers Poll as best nonfiction article of 2020.
2021 January "[untitled] winter on old earth" chosen as one of eight 'editor's choice' poems for Star*Line 44:1 (which contains 92 poems).
2020 September Fragments from the Book of the After-Dead won the Elgin Award Third Place in the chapbook category as best short speculative poetry book of 2018-2019.
2020 August "asynchronous" chosen as Editor's Favorite for August 2020 issue of Scifaikuest online which contains 32 poems.
2020 June "the music of Luna's pull" nominated for the Dwarf Stars Award as best short short speculative poem of 2019.
2020 June "Notes for the Next Letter Home" nominated for the Dwarf Stars Award as best short short speculative poem of 2019.
2020 June "Epitaph for John Carter" nominated for the Dwarf Stars Award as best short short speculative poem of 2019.
2020 April Fragments from the Book of the After-Dead nominated for the Elgin Award as best speculative chapbook of 2019.
2020 Feb. "The Makings of Dragons" nominated for the Rhysling Award as best long speculative poem of 2019.
2020 Feb. "Green Sky" nominated for the Rhysling Award as best long speculative poem of 2019.
2019 May "News Update" nominated for the Dwarf Stars Award as best short short speculative poem of 2018.
2019 May "Structural Damage" nominated for the Dwarf Stars Award as best short short speculative poem of 2018.
2019 May Recalibrating the Futurenominated for the Elgin Award as best speculative poetry book of 2017-2018.
2019 May Pocket Full of Horror nominated for the Elgin Award as best speculative poetry chapbook of 2017-2018.
2019 May Flying Solo: The Lana Invasion nominated a second time for the Elgin Award as best speculative poetry book of 2017-2018. Books are eligible for the Elgin for two years.
2019 February "Monster, Creature, Human" nominated for the Rhysling Award as best short speculative poem of 2018.
2019 February "Stand and Wait" nominated for the Rhysling Award as best short speculative poem of 2018.
2019 February "Third Floor Bookstore" nominated for the Rhysling Award as best long speculative poem of 2018.
2019 January "Conditions of the Curse" nominated for the Rhysling Award as best long speculative poem of 2018.
2019 January "Planetary Lensing" nominated for the Rhysling Award as best short speculative poem of 2018.
2018 July "Space Efficient" nominated for the Dwarf Stars Award as best short short speculative poem of 2017.
2018 July "keeping company" nominated for the Dwarf Stars Award as best short short speculative poem of 2017.
2018 April "Illiteracy" by Scott E. Green & Herb Kauderer chosen as one of six 'editor's choice' poems for Star*Line 42.2 (which contains 97 poems).
2018 March Cascade of Stardust: 100 short speculative poems nominated for the Elgin Award as best speculative poetry chapbook of 2016-2017.
2018 March Flying Solo: The Lana Invasion nominated for the Elgin Award as best speculative poetry book of 2016-2017.
2018 February "The First Battle of the Puffer War" was nominated for the Rhysling Award as best long speculative poem of 2017.
2018 February "What Neighbors Do" was nominated for the Rhysling Award as best long speculative poem of 2017.
2018 January "My Response to Your Mayday Call" by David Clink & Herb Kauderer was nominated for the Rhysling Award as best short speculative poem of 2017.
2018 January "A Dwarf for Each", a 1500 word short story finished tied for sixth in the Critters Annual Readers Poll for Best Science Fiction & Fantasy Story.
2017 November "My Response to Your Mayday Call" by David Clink & Herb Kauderer was nominated for the XLIth Pushcart Prize for poem in a small press publication.
2017 November "mid-night ghosts" was nominated for the XLIth Pushcart Prize for poem in a small press publication.
2017 September "Watches" selected for Bewildering Stories 3QR, an editor's choice distinction.
2017 September "War Games" written with Scott E. Green selected for Bewildering Stories 3QR, an editor's choice distinction.
2017 “Epitaph for an Ogre” was nominated for the Dwarf Stars Award as best short short speculative poem of 2016.
2017 "After" WON the 31st Asimov's Readers' Awards.
2017 "Soft Collision" by Scott E. Green & Herb Kauderer tied for fourth in the 78th AnLab Readers' Awards.
2017 "After" nominated for the Rhysling Award as best short speculative poem of 2016.
2017 "Soft Collision" by Scott E. Green & Herb Kauderer named a finalist for the 78th AnLab Readers' Awards.
2017 "After" named a finalist for the 31st Asimov's Readers' Awards.
2017 "Cobblestone Dragon" nominated for the Rhysling Award as best long speculative poem of 2016.
2016 "hard copy" nominated for the Rhysling Award as best short speculative poem of 2015.
2016 "luddite's dream" nominated for the Rhysling Award as best short speculative poem of 2015.
2016 The Book of Answers nominated a second time for the Elgin Award as best speculative poetry chapbook of 2014-2015. Books are eligible for the Elgin for two years.
2015 "microwords" nominated for the XXXIXth Pushcart Prize for poem in a small press publication.
2015 “a distant air” nominated for the Best of The Net as best poem first published on the internet for 2015.
2015 The Book of Answers nominated for the Elgin Award as best speculative poetry chapbook of 2013-2014.
2015 “private source” nominated for the Dwarf Stars Award for short speculative poetry.
2015 “Restoration” nominated for the Dwarf Stars Award for short speculative poetry.
2015 “Words Not Red” nominated for the Rhysling Award as best long speculative poem of 2014 by SFPA
2015 “Saline to Atlantis” nominated for the Rhysling Award as best long speculative poem of 2014 by SFPA
2015 “After ‘Signs You’re in Trouble’” nominated for the Rhysling Award as best short speculative poem of 2014 by SFPA
2015 “After ‘Dark Matter’” nominated for the Rhysling Award as best short speculative poem of 2014 by SFPA
2008 “A Twisted Certainty” won the Ewaipanoma Sonnet Contest
2008 “True Selves” finished third in the Dragon Soup Poetry Contest
2005 Fall Received Hilbert College Arts Grant
1998 “Wedding Songs” won the Worldcon Poetry Slam
1996 “Survivor” given Honorable Mention in The Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror Ninth Annual Collection edited by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling (1996 St. Martin’s Press)
1995 Nominated at Best Poet of 1994 by SPGA
1993 “Arcade” nominated for the Rhysling Award as best long speculative poem of 1992 by SFPA
1992 Sycamore Award received for historical writing of both prose and poetry
1992 “Mutant” nominated for the Rhysling Award as best short speculative poem of 1991 by SFPA
1992 “Names” nominated for the Rhysling Award as best short speculative poem of 1991 by SFPA