A Very Rough List of Offices Held in the SCA
A full list of offices I've held in the SCA would require me to spend hours going through the boxes of SCA materials in the attic. This list is in order of precedence. I expect I am omitting jobs where I didn't do anything. Or, alternately, jobs such as head autocrat or sub-autocrat where I did a lot but the records are somewhere above.
Strangely, the only kingdom office I've ever held is when I served some months as Archivist of the East Kingdom. This happened because I was the drop dead deputy and pressed into service. Fortunately my predecessor didn't really drop dead.
PRINCIPALITY (Aethelmearc):
WESTERN REGION (The organizational unit of the East Kingdom that became Aethelmearc):
Knight Marshall (Sometimes termed Deputy Earl Marshall for the Western Region)
BARONY (Rhydderich Hael):
8th Seneschal - July 1985 to June 1987
Deputy Seneschal - March 1980 to September 1982 (speculative dates)
2nd Chronicler - March 1980 to June 1982
Deputy Chronicler - November 1979 to March 1980
Coronet (Deputy Pursuivant)
CANTON (Beau Fleuve):
Pursuivant - I was briefly, but officially, pursuivant of the canton, though I am not listed in their historical record. I quickly gave up the job when I was drafted to be seneschal.
Somewhere along the line I was head autocrat of six events including a massive Ice Dragon that unexpectedly swelled to almost 700 people.
Strangely, when I was fighting sub-autocrat for the event years later, the same thing happened.
I remember serving as sub-autocrat for an Eastern Crown Tourney.
I ran the serving at an early Ice Dragon, probably V. I promised the feastocrat, Norman the Norman, that if he could cook the food fast enough to serve it in an hour, I would have the dessert on the table less than an hour after the salad. He did it, and so did I.
I will resist the urge to make a pilgrimage to the attic to figure out what the missing events are.
I have just seen a report that I autocrated Baronial Champions on Sept 5, 1981, along with Svidrir Einarrsson & Zahava Tchauchik.
The Eastern Crown for which I was fighting site autocrat was held 7 November 1981.