Here are some of the articles (& a few newsletters) I've written for and about the SCA
And, of course, the book-length poetry collection Modern Poems of Pennsic.
For the SCA's 50 Year Celebration, histories of each kingdom were commissioned. I wrote the history of the East Kindgdom (with a little help from Mistress Hrefna).
For the SCA's 50 Year Celebration, histories of each kingdom were commissioned. I wrote the history of the East Kindgdom (with a little help from Mistress Hrefna).
This is a long memoir written for the Celebration of Life for my best friend held at Pennsic 50.
Back in 1992 I created a newsletter to capture the earliest history of the SCA and the East Kingdom. I would guess it's the most important writing I've done in the SCA. I got two issues out before life interfered, and those issues are posted below. I received enough donations of addition material to probably put together another two issues. Since I recently found that folder, maybe I will get to it before the SCA's 50th year celebration.
The article below is an attempt to list all key events in what would become the principality of Aethelmearc. It is from the summer of 1992.
In the summer of 1991 this article about the history of Eastern Coronets was current. Now, not so much.
When the Rhydderich Hael became a barony, it was decided to start a new newsletter to replace the one that had served the shire. SCA publishing was in the toddler stage, and the Hael was determined to be part of the maturing process. These are my recollections of the process.
I created a small magazine titled 'The Betting Man's Guide' and it has continued decades after I no longer edited it. Here is the story of how it came about.
Long ago, when the local SCA group was young, they became a barony and earned the right to give awards.
Here is a story from around 1980.
In addition to giving awards, the local group now had the right to have a Baronial Champion. This is my memoir of the event to choose the champion held in the summer of 1979.
One of my brothers-by-choice is known in the SCA as Baron Svidrir Einarrson. He moved away long ago, and I still miss him, so one day I decided to do something about it and I wrote this memoir.
This is a brief third person account of how Aethelmearc's ancestral Pelican Medallion came to be.
Remembering another old friend
A link to a collection of digitized ancient East Kingdom newsletters.