East Kingdom History - 2nd Long Version: Updated 21 June 2018
The Third and probably final version is a free PDF download if you scroll down here:
A History of the East Kingdom Written for the SCA’s 50 Year Celebration, and Updated for the East Kingdom’s 50 Year Event
From common beginnings all our diversity grows, and so the largest part of this history focuses on the earliest times of the East Kingdom. And yet that earliest history is scattered, conflicted, and diffused by the varying eyes of individuals and the distorting lens of years.
So it is that the beginning is chaos, as it ever has been.
In the beginning there was but one kingdom, and it was the Knowne World. The history of the Knowne World began when Diana Listmaker, taken by the martial prowess of Siegfried von Höflichkeit and Fulk de Wyvern, put out a call to fighters and heralds and lords and ladies to attend a contest of arms on the first of May. Siegfried and Fulk did answer the call, arranging for the tournament to take place (1). The tournament was won by Aeginius (later known as Duke Richard of Mont Real). With the consent of all combattants, Siegfried called forth David the Herald (later known as Ardral Argo verKaeysc), bade him kneel, and knighted him. And so the first knight of the SCA was made (2), and in the future all time would be reckoned from the day of Diana’s tournament making it Anno Societatus I, and making May 1st the SCA’s New Year’s Day.
In these darkest reaches of time the titles king and queen had not yet achieved the absolute usage of today. And so early events included a “Queen of Love and Beauty”, a “King of Misrule” and a “Queen of the May”. It was at the Twelfth Night event in A.S. I [1967] where the more modern SCA usage of king and queen came to be, and from it the lineage of royalty was cast. At Twelfth Night in A.S. II [1968] additional conventions and royal titles were established (3), and the World as we know it began. It was established at this time that the main cycle of events were the three combined crown tournament/coronations, and Twelfth Night each year, and for many years thereafter, they were the chronicle of the SCA.
In the fullness of time, the Knowne World grew stronger and more diverse, and it became necessary to expand. Some nobles journeyed from the west coast of the great land and settled on the east coast, first among them Elfrida of Greenwalls and Walter of Greenwalls. It should be known that Elfrida and Walter were present at the creation of the Knowne World, and were the autocrats of the second event ever (1). It is uncertain whether Elfrida and Walter returned in the first month of A.S. II [1967-68] or early A.S. III [1968-69], but it may be inferred from reports, and from Elfrida’s writings in Pennoncel (2), that they most probably returned in May or June of A.S. II [1967], and that SCA activities began on the eastern shores of the Knowne World, though no official events occurred.
Eiolf Eriksson discovered the SCA on a journey west. Upon his return, and understanding that Elfrida was one of the founders of the SCA, Eiolf urged his friend to start an eastern cycle of crown events (3). According to El of the Two Knives, Elfrida received an official Charter of Recognition to do this from the King (4), and by the hand of the Steward Jon DeCles, though the document in question has been lost to the mists of time.
Frederic of Feolildwyn has written that it was King Richard the Short who sent the Charter, and that it appointed Elfrida High Seneschal of the new land (5). This would fit historical records if Elfrida returned in A.S. II [1967-68], and waited for Eiolf’s urging to autocrat the events.
If Elfrida returned in A.S. III [1968-69], King William the Silent would have been the appropriate king to have sent the Charter for the timing of the ill-fated first attempt at an eastern crown tournament. This makes sense as King Siegfried von Höflichkeit reports having sent Sir Ardral to the east for the purpose of knighting the winner of the tournament, though the rained-out first attempt caused the actual first tournament to happen in the reign of Siegfried’s successor (6).
A third possibility is that Richard the Short sent the Charter in A.S. III [1967-68], meaning he would have done so while serving as Crown Prince. This divergence is unimportant in the face of agreement that the charter was issued, but is noted here to demonstrate the difficulty of reconciling reports, and to establish the practice of presenting multiple views when opinions differ significantly.
Master Wilhelm von Schlüssel reports that in March of A.S. III [1969], the East Kingdom newsletter, Pennoncel, appeared under the auspices of Elfrida (7), but this date is almost certainly incorrect. Volume 1, number 4 of Pennoncel is not clearly dated, but its main content is the event announcement for the Second Crown Tournament of the East to be held October 27th, A.S. III [1968] (8). Keeping in mind that March of A.S. III [1969] comes five months after October of A.S. III [1968], it seems likely that Pennoncel started in A.S. II [1967-68].
In any event, official activity had commenced by A.S. III [1967-68]. Now it was left to create royalty.
At least one report claims that Maragorn the Artificer and Adrienne of Toledo were crowned King and Queen of the new kingdom while they were in the west, just before they moved, for the specific purpose of getting the Crown Cycle of events started in the East. This conflicts with both tradition and reports, and is not generally accepted. For example, El of Two Knives has stated that Maragorn and Adrienne were appointed regents by the Eastern Aulic Council before the tournament (1). If the “crowned in the West” version of events is considered possible, then that date for the first Eastern Coronation is lost in antiquity.
Throughout the decades there have been countless conflicting reports of whether Maragorn and Adrienne styled themselves as King and Queen. Almost all period reports indicate that they did not, and given that the formalization of those titles had occurred only very recently (2) and far away on the west coast, this should be no surprise.
According to Master El of the Two Knives it was only when the East argued the case with the Imperium years later that Maragorn and Adrienne were retroactively named King and Queen and given the titles Count and Countess (1). Given that just six months before Maragorn and Adrienne’s service as regents, the Society had retroactively made the winners of the first three tournaments Kings, and their ladies Queens (3), this seems like a reasonable course of action.
Yet in Pennoncel before the First Crown Tournament there is one passing reference to Queen Adrienne (4). Given that the issue was written by Elfrida (styling herself Dame Marion) there is some credence to the possibility of the title being used before the First Crown.
On June 2nd, A.S. III [1968], Elfrida and Walter autocratted an event hoped to be a crown tournament, but it was rained out. The event happened without the tournament. One account writes “Elfrida appointed Maragon [sic] the Artificer to sit as King and Adrienne of Toledo to sit as Queen, to preside over the first tourney and first crown lists, where upon the first true king would be chosen by combat” (5). The sense of ‘presiding’ king rather than ‘true’ king is probably close to the spirit of what happened regardless of the details of titles actually used. Nonetheless, this report implies that the date of a first Eastern King and Queen was the date of this event. The event was also attended by Alfgar the Sententious, El of the Two Knives, Rakkurai of Kamakura, Eiolf Erickson, and Robert the Puppeteer, among others. There are many oral accounts of the attendees taking refuge in The Cloisters, but being required to check their swords in the umbrella stand before being allowed admittance.
On July 21st, A.S. III [1968], a successful crown tournament was held, and thenceforth, the Knowne World was divided between the West Kingdom and the East Kingdom. The tournament was won by Bruce of Cloves who defeated Rakkurai of Kamakura in the finals (6). According to Baron Frederic of Feolildwyn, the marshal in charge, “[t]here were only two contestants for the Eastern Crown” (7). At the event, Maragorn acted as Regent, with Adrienne of Toledo as his consort. Other attendees included Alfgar, Aravis del Clare, and Eiolf Eriksson.
The official listed date of Coronation for Maragorn and Adrienne is July 21st, A.S. III [1968], but it is difficult to make a case for this. Clearly they were already serving as regents when they attended the rained out tournament of June 2nd, A.S. III [1968]. Across the veil of years, July 21st, A.S. III [1968], the day that the East held its first rightful Crown Tournament, has been chosen as the start of official Eastern history. For this date to be applied to Maragorn and Adrienne has a certain resonance, but little basis in fact.
Some of the confusion over the use of King and Queen may have arisen because Adrienne began styling herself Queen later on. In the Pennoncel, the event announcement for the second Eastern Crown Tournament to be held August 24th A.S. IV [1969] was listed as “Presented by Queen Adrienne of Toledo...” (8). This was published ten months after the latest possible date for the Coronation of Queen Florence, so two Easterners were using the title queen at the same time. In the next issue of Pennoncel there was an article by John of Brooke-Lynn, first Chief Herald to the East Kingdom, explaining proper use of titles in the SCA. Much of the article is now inaccurate, but it may have been inspired to clear up the problem of multiple queens. By the Christmas A.S. V [1970] issue of Pennoncel, Adrienne was styling herself as Lady having set aside queen and not yet having acquired countess. On at least a few occasions she styled herself Prima Regina Emerita (9).
It was widely reported that Bruce of Cloves was knighted by Sir Ardral on the occasion of winning the first Eastern Crown Tournament, but Frederic of Feolildwyn reports a different series of events (10). Frederic who served as de facto herald for the ceremony writes that Maragorn bade Bruce kneel, and dubbed him knight using Frederic’s court sword. Frederic also reports that Aragorn “and Adrienne... never crowned Bruce of Cloves and Florence.” Most reports agree on this point, though the history of Master Wilhelm claims they were crowned there (11). This may have been based on an implication from the report of the event in Tournaments Illuminated (12).
Frederic writes that Bruce and Florence traveled to the 26th WorldCon (World Science Fiction Convention) which was in the West. Upon returning Bruce reported to Frederic that while he was there he was ushered into a pavilion before select SCA officers and was once again knighted, this time by a sitting king. Then King Richard crowned Bruce and Florence as First King and Queen of the East (10). El of the Two Knives reports having seen the knighting (1). Given the political opposition of Frederic and El, their agreement on this point seems a strong indication of its accuracy. That particular WorldCon was held from August 29th until September 2nd making Sunday September 1st, A.S. III [1968] the most likely occasion of the Coronation.
There is a long tradition that Sir Ardral knighted Bruce. Given that King Richard was a master at arms, and unable to knight Bruce without the hand of a knight on the sword, it seems probable that Sir Ardral’s hand was present if this is the occasion of Bruce’s official knighting.
All agree that Bruce of Cloves was the first knight of the East. The historical precedence lists his date of knighting as 09/??/68 (13). The current online precedence lists the date as September 1st, A.S. III [1968] (14) which is the WorldCon date. In the end, Bruce was knighted by Maragorn, or by Ardral, or by Richard. And Bruce was knighted on July 21st, August 29th, 30th, 31st, September 1st, 2nd, or September ??, depending on the source.
According to Pennoncel, (15) Bruce and Florence were expected to be Crowned on October 27th, A.S. III [1968] at the Crown Tournament to determine their successors and this is the recorded date of their Coronation, but it may be inaccurate. Through the mists of time, Frederic argues that October 27th was a Monday (10), and that the correct date of the tournament was October 26th. In fact, October 27th, 1968 was a Sunday, but his point that the tournament may have been held on the 26th has been argued by others who were there, so it may have been on Saturday.
And so Chapter Three ends with the report that the first King and Queen of the East Kingdom are recorded as Maragorn and Adrienne, but were probably Bruce and Florence. The date when the East Kingdom first claimed a King and Queen may be an unknown date in late A.S. II or early A.S. III. Or it may be June 2nd, A.S. III. Or it may be July 21st, A.S. III. Or it may be August 29th, 30th, 31st, September 1st or 2nd, A.S. III. Or it may be October 26th or 27th, A.S. III.
And so it was that the East was begat of confusion.
The record of the reign of Bruce and Florence is incomplete, though the reign lasted at least ten months. The records show periods of inactivity, but also the royalties’ presence at official Eastern events. It would be fair to say that during the reign of Bruce and Florence the East Kingdom underwent growing pains as it developed an economic and administrative infrastructure to support a kingdom.
The confusion that begat the East continued on July 6th, A.S. IV [1969] when a ‘Crown Tourney’ was held in the Wilmot Principality (sometimes called Under the Mountain and referring in this case to Chicago) where Adrienne represented the King of the East giving legitimacy to the tournament. Keriadoc of Mauretania (later Cariadoc of the Bow) defeated Michael the Bradley in the finals (1).
Shortly thereafter, on July 24th, A.S. IV [1969], Sir Alpin the MacGregor of Gotz-Karlsburg won the second Crown Tournament of the East defeating Sir Eiolf in the finals. At least four fighters contended for the Crown as Akbar and Maragorn both fought in the lists (2) with the finalists. Alpin was Crowned immediately, styling himself King MacGregor and his consort Morgana, Queen.
The confusion as to whether the Wilmot Principality would be a kingdom or a principality was resolved (2) when, according to John ap Griffin, on September 7th, A.S. IV [1969], King MacGregor knighted and then crowned Keriadoc King of the Middle Kingdom and Keriadoc in turn crowned Diana Queen (3). Akbar reports the elevation of the Middle from Principality to Kingdom status as a decision of the Board of Directors (2), rather than an initiative of the East. I note here that in Ancient Days, the Board of Directors called themselves The Council of Imperial Electors, and this was commonly shortened to The Imperial Electors, or The Imperium. As a result, decisions from the proto-BoD were described as ‘Imperial’, and for some years they also gave out ‘Imperial’ Pelicans.
Cariadoc remembers his knighting differently. He reports being knighted by Adrienne after winning the tournament on July 6th, A.S. IV [1969], but “it was later decided that that didn’t count because she wasn’t a knight, and I got knighted by whoever was then King of the West when I was out in the bay area” (4). According to the West Kingdom Order of Precedence King Siegfried and Queen Ardys knighted Cariadoc on July 9th, A.S. IV [1969] (5). The Atlantian (6) and Midrealm (7) online Orders of Precedence both list the date of Cariadoc’s knighting as December 31st, A.S. IV [1969].
Therefore, depending on the source consulted, Cariadoc was knighted by the East, or the West. By Countess Adrienne, King MacGregor, or King Siegfried on July 6th, July 9th, August 28th, 29th, 30th, 31st, September 1st, September 7th, September 30th, or December 31st, A.S. IV.
All parties (8) agree that the first Midrealm Coronation happened at the 27th WorldCon, but dates vary. In the annals of the Middle Kingdom, the date is listed as September 30th, A.S. IV [1969] (9). As noted, John ap Griffin cites the date of September 7th, A.S. [1969] (3). The problem with these dates is that reliable outside sources show that WorldCon happened from August 28th to September 1st, A.S. IV [1969] (10) with August 31st being a Sunday (11) and the most likely day for the event to happen.
Therefore, depending on the source, the Midrealm became a kingdom on August 28th, 29th, 30th, 31st, September 1st, September 7th, or September 30th, A.S. IV.
So, too, was the Midrealm begat of confusion.
And so it was that the Midrealm was no longer part of the East.
During the reign of The MacGregor and Morgana, the East faced a much different challenge than the previous reign. While the heart of the East Kingdom at that time lay in Ǿstgarđr (New York City), the MacGregor lived hours away in Carolingia (Boston). As it turned out, there were two streets in Carolingia with the same name and some numbers in common including the MacGregor’s. As a result, little correspondence ever reached him (1).
Nor was the East well apprised of the ways of the West, which were not yet traditional, but should have been precedence setting. One interesting historical note in this regard is the elevation of Vardak Mirceavich to the title of Court Count. There are various reports about how it came about, but the key is at the second East Kingdom Crown or soon after (2), King MacGregor (or his Regent) made Vardak a count. There have been stories of this being due to a noble and dramatic gesture on Vardak’s part, and other accounts that it was because of his body of service as marshall and entertainer. It was definitely not because he had served as king. While this award was at odds with the newly established use of titles, it was eventually upheld by the Brigantia Herald and the Board of Directors (3).
With Vardak’s elevation, and given the retroactive rank of County given to Maragorn and Adrienne, for the rest of the MacGregor’s reign, there were in the official history of the East three people of County rank who had not served as royalty by rite of arms. And only two who had earned the rank by serving by rite of arms, Bruce and Florence. This is an enduring marker that the East was different from the start. Somehow the West and the East managed to fit together to make up the burgeoning Knowne World, but it was far from a smooth diplomacy. In fairness to the service traditions inherent in the County rank, all three individuals served admirably in those earliest days. In regards to the fighting tradition of the rank, both fighters in the group were well capable of qualifying for it by ‘rite of arms.’ Maragorn fought for the crown as soon as he was able, and Vardak reached the finals of a later crown (4). They each fought with prowess befitting the rank.
Given the difficulty of communication, and the passing of the time for a crown tournament, the Kingdom Seneschal scheduled the Third Eastern Crown Tournament without the King’s input (5). On April 26th, A.S. IV [1969], Akbar ibn Murad al-ben ibn Hakim emerged victorious (5) over Sir Eiolf (2). During this reign, Rakkurai of Kamakura succeeded Elfrida as East Kingdom Seneschal, and passed a regulation requiring a quorum of four fighters for crown tournament to be valid (6). On May 5th, A.S. V [1970], King MacGregor did pass on his Crown to Akbar who styled himself Shah (7).
In the fullness of time Akbar did pass on the Crown to his mundane father Murad nasl Muhammed ibn Hakim who also styled himself Shah (8). Murad in turn passed his Crown back to Akbar who at the end of his reign became the first Duke of the East, and so too did Khadijah become the first Duchess (9).
The sixth Eastern Crown Tournament had a unique ‘hold the field’ format in which the seven combattants were given numbers. Number 1 fought 2, the winner fought 3, the winner fought 4, and so on until in time the seventh fighter entered the list for the first time in the finals (1). Because of the unusual nature of the tournament, and because of concerns about the method of numbering the combattants, the legitimacy of the tournament was later questioned. In the end Sir Rakkurai, who received number seven, defeated Sir Eiolf in the finals (1).
The reign of Rakkurai, who styled himself Shogun, was certainly the most contentious in the history of the East. At his coronation, he required that every citizen present swear personal fealty to him, not the office of King. “[T]he officers of state surrendered unto the Crown the symbols of their trusts. This ceremony demonstrated the law that on a new king’s ascension, all state positions are vacated” (2). What it really demonstrated was Rakkurai’s belief that officers served at the whim of the Crown. He then liberally replaced former officers in an effort to ‘revitalize’ the Kingdom.
Rakkurai later held a court against Frederic of Feolildwyn in absentia convicting him of treason (3). All these things were reported in Pennoncel as well as by witnesses (4). When the time came for Rakkurai’s successor to be chosen, events were rained out (5) or cancelled, or advertised without enough details to actually take place (6). It was rumored throughout the kingdom that Rakkurai was, indeed, a weather wizard.
It will be noted here that the legal actions taken against Rakkurai included an impressive list of fourteen different charges covering a wide range of transgressions, however, there is no record of a trial being held nor the charges being proven. The paper trail, while making an excellent case and including many specifics, is still the testimony of a small number of people against which Rakkurai did not get to defend himself on the record. Rather than cite those negative, but not fully substantiated claims, let this history show the following: Shogun Rakkurai lost the confidence of his people as no king before or after him.
As his reign stretched on and on, a mounting resistance to the imperial ways of Rakkurai gained momentum (7), and he was forced to flee the kingdom. Oral tradition holds that Rakkurai was last seen boarding a southbound train while being chased by another member of the Eastern chivalry who screamed a death threat as the train pulled away (8).
Crown Tournament was held without the King, and Duke Cariadoc defeated Sir Eiolf in the finals. Of this, little more is known because by that time, the kingdom newsletter had collapsed (9), and many of the stalwarts of the East had been driven from the SCA. Rakkurai’s last court was held by proxy of Elfrida of Greenwalls who reversed the decision against Frederic (10) and crowned Duke Cariadoc King who then crowned Duchess Diana Queen.
While the reign of Rakkurai was a painful time in the East, it was not without its merits. Rakkurai was known to have a gift for pageantry and ceremony. Queen Maureen was one of the first prominent female fighters in the East. And most importantly, Rakkurai had a strong interest in war activities so wargames were held in the East for the first time (11), and Rakkurai accepted the Midrealm challenge for the First Pennsic War (12), though Murad was king when negotiations began, and Cariadoc was Eastern king by the time the war occurred (13).
Cariadoc was succeeded by Sir Jehan de la Marche (1) who, in the absence of any extant record of Eastern laws, “published a lawcode and declared all previous law inoperative” (2). All current Eastern laws descend from Jehan’s code.
Jehan was succeeded by Duke Akbar who was succeeded by Sir Finnvarr who was succeeded by Angus the Black (later Aonghais dubh Tarbh) (3).
Angus, like Rakkurai, was a man of great charisma, “and no matter what else is said about the man, in his younger days he gave splendid theater” (1). He won the 11th and 15th Eastern Crowns. While Prince he was knighted by the East at Pennsic II (2). Between his reigns he was censured by an Eastern Court of Chivalry for perjury and for misuse of kingdom funds (3), though such use is common today.
Also, between these reigns was held Pennsic IV, sometimes called Pennsic Puddle. It was the first attempt to hold a Pennsic that was longer than two days, and it began with a windstorm followed by epic bouts of rain. As has always been true of Scadians, people banded together to aid each other in every way possible, especially to fight hypothermia and feed each other.
One of the stranger components of the event was the realization “that wearing clothes actually made you colder – because the cloth held the moisture and evaporation makes you cold” (4). So it was that King Asbjorn (known for his physical beauty) took to wearing boots, leggings, a loin cloth, and no other clothing. Later in the event, Asbjorn’s loin cloth was found hanging “like a pennant from the top of Duchess Diana’s tent” (5). History has omitted what Asbjorn was wearing at that point in the war.
Of the countless stories told of Pennsic Puddle, perhaps the two most famous follow. The first is that Sir Michael of York organized a tug-of-war for the entertainment of the masses. In time, exaggerated stories of the muddiness that ensued have competed with the most wondrous tall tales of all time.
The second story is more concrete. In the woods battle when Prince Aonghais died he was pitched face-forward into the mud. The oral tradition of what happened next is this: “He was wearing his brand new pig-faced bassinet – which got stuck in the mud and began to fill with water. It took his entire band of fighters to get him out of the mud before he drowned” (4). But Countess Arastorm reports a different story, one she says is confirmed by both Aonghais and Aelfwine. She says that once Aelfwine saw the dangerous problem it took only one person to fix it, and that Aonghais described this as: “[Aelfwine] kicked my head into the next county!” (5)
The war ended with an affirmation of inter-kingdom cooperation. Nearly all the cars in the parking lot were axle deep in mud and had to be towed to pavement. This was accomplished by the Autocrat, Midrealm Duke Andrew of SeldomRest driving a tractor, and Duke Cariadoc (just off his second reign as King of the East) on the ground securing the tow chain to the cars and removing it afterward (6).
Shortly after completing his second reign as king, Aonghais moved to Caid. He was the subject of a second Court of Chivalry (7) and banished from Caid most likely in A.S. XII [1977-78] or XIII [1978-79]. In May A.S. XIV [1979] his white belt was revoked (7). Aonghais was quickly knighted again in the West on July 2nd, A.S. XIV [1979] (8). Aonghais eventually returned to the East for a prolonged period of activity.
In A.S. XXVII [1992-93] he was arrested, and eventually convicted (9). While in jail, his white belt was revoked (again) in October A.S. XXXVIII [[2003-04] (8). Aonghais died, in prison, of a heart attack on February 21st, A.S. XXXVIII [2004] (10).
At Pennsic V [1976] there was a War Point given for killing the Crown Prince of the East and Middle. Unfortunately, Crown Prince Laeghaire was unable to attend that Pennsic. In his absence King Alaric decided that the fighter who finished second in the crown to determine his heir would be appointed Admiral of the Armies and would stand in for the Crown Prince for the War Point. So it was that Tojenareum Grenville of Devon became the first Admiral of the Armies and so, too, was Tojenareum called forth and knighted.
We note here that King Alaric, Prince Laeghaire, and Sir (later Viscount) Tojenareum were all from Atlantia. As early as A.S. VII [1972-73], there were mutterings that the southern reaches of the East would make a fine principality (1). They were lacking only someone to lead them. Soon Vuong Manh emerged as that leader and the movement to make Atlantia a principality gathered steam (2).
On November 20th, A.S. XI [1976], a coronet tournament was held in Tir-y-Don (3) (lower Virginia). Graf Sir Alaric von Rotstern defeated King Laeghaire of the East in the finals. On March 26th, A.S. XI [1977], Investiture was held, and Graf Sir Alaric and Countess Yseult of Orkney were invested as First Prince and Princess of Atlantia.
After Pennsic V, the Midrealm’s Duke Dagan lead a search for a new site for Pennsic, and the East’s Bishop Geoffrey d’Ayr visited the three finalists and gave a report. That report included, “the assessment that the Coopers Lake site was gigantic, with showers, and could hold a ton of people, probably as many as 900-1000” (4). Countess Ianthé reports “that those showers were a significant but publicly unacknowledged factor” (4) in choosing the site. So it was that Pennsic found its permanent home
The Eastern reign of Gyrth Oldcastle and Melisande de Belvoir (who also served as third King and Queen of Atlantia) was notable for two reasons. At Pennsic VII [held in A.S XIII (1978)], King Gyrth was knighted (5), with King Orlando of Meridies performing the ceremony “at the request of the Eastern Chivalry” (6). This was the only occasion in Eastern history upon which a sitting king was knighted (though not the only time a king would be knighted at Pennsic).
The second was a change to the Order of the Pelican. At that time, kingdoms were required to have five Pelicans to poll in order to make new Pelicans and were to rely on BoD bestowed Imperial Pelicans until that quorum was reached. Sometime in A.S. XI [1976-77], “the Board abandoned the intent to bestow Pelicans” (7). Thus it was in A.S. XII [1977-78] that Gyrth was left with less than five active Pelicans to poll, and no hopes of future Imperial Pelicans to achieve the quorum. On July 9th, A.S. IX [1974], the Board decided that “any existing member of the Order of the Laurel could, at their discretion, petition their king to replace that membership... with membership in the Order of the Pelican” (8). Gyrth convinced Marian Edwinstowe and Duke Cariadoc to trade their Laurels for Pelicans so that the East could have five active Pelicans, and make future Pelicans legally (9).
By the end of this reign, the East had become much like the Kingdom we know today.
On March 4th, A.S. XII [1977], the Barony of the Rhydderich Hael held the first Festival of the Passing of the Ice Dragon (1). The event grew to huge proportions, including the pre-eminent arts pentathlon in the kingdom. For twenty years it marked the beginning of the tournament season and was a highlight of the arts season, and it continues to do so in Æthelmearc.
At Pennsic VIII, held in A.S. XIV [1979], the Champions’ Battles were held on Friday, the first time that war points were determined outside the weekend of the war (2). For the third time in eight Pennsics, the result was declared a tie (3).
Regarding times of turmoil, Duke Gyrth once wrote, Eastern “kings have done a much more thorough job of testing law, custom, and people’s patiences with the result that law, custom, and people’s patiences have adjusted” (4). To be fair, the process of choosing a king and queen has too often been just as challenging.
On October 27-28th, A.S. XIV [1979], The Debatable Crown was held in the Barony-Marche of the Debatable Lands (Greater Pittsburgh) (5). There had been a time of concern over rising calibrations in Crown Tourney fights, but then, there has never been a time when this was not a concern. In an effort to prevent these concerns, King Vissevald personally calibrated each fighter, but this did not prevent other problems.
The finals were attained by Barak Elandris Lord Hasdrubal, and Lord Andreas de Vulpes, but there were problems and many conferences of marshalls and royalty. Eventually the tournament was stopped, and Andreas was removed due to targetting issues (6), though some interpretted this as a calibration issue. After much additional consultation, the losing semi-finalists were asked to consider reentering the tournament. Sir Gavin Kilkenny accepted, and it was decided to refight the finals the next day between Hasdrubal and Gavin. Gavin won (7). But given the circumstances, the result was controversial. In fact, the new Prince and Princess were not even listed in the November Pikestaff, it took until the December issue to catch up.
In the fullness of time, both Hasdrubal and Gavin became dukes. The turmoil came when Andreas objected strongly to what happened, and he and his followers went on to form Medieval Scenarios and Recreations, Ltd. or MSR. This was the largest schism in the history of the East, and the MSR remains healthy thirty-six years later (8).
Around A.S. XIV [1979-80], House Elandris emerged as the greatest unit tactics military household in the history of the East. Founded by Baroness Morgan Argante Elandris, who served as Warlord of the East for Pennsic X [ A.S. XVI (1981)] and XII [A.S. XVIII (1983)] (1), House Elandris produced many knights as well as three sets of royalty. With the help of House Elandris, the East emerged victorious at Pennsic X, the first time they had won. They would not lose again until Pennsic XVI [A.S. XXII (1987)] (2).
The East’s lands across the sea waxed and waned and waxed again culminating in the investiture of Sir Jahn of Outman and Turien de Lisle as First Prince and Princess of the Principality of Drachenwald (Europe) on June 15th, A.S. XV [1980] (3).
Around A.S. XVI [1981-82], House von Halstern emerged as a great household producing many peers of every kind and many Kings and Queens.
On November 22nd, A.S. XV [1980] (4), King Michael defeated Earl Gyrth in the finals of the First Crown Tournament of Atlantia (5). On May 2nd, A.S. XVI [1981], Count Michael of Bedford and Countess Carissa of Burgundy were crowned First King and Queen of Atlantia (6).
And so it was that Atlantia was no longer part of the East.
In the aftermath of King Laeghaire and King Michael fighting in the First Coronet and Crown tournaments of Atlantia, the East soon passed a law that the royalty of the East could no longer participate in royal tournaments while on the throne.
May 29-31st, A.S. XVII [1982] (7), the Barony of Concordia of the Snows (Albany NY) held the War of the Roses, Part II, being a sequel 500 years after Part I. The event endures to this day.
Through the years there have been a large range of common sayings often repeated in the East. Three from this era are collected here:
On the weekend of June 19-21 A.S. XXII [1987] the first annual Great Northeastern War was held during the reign of King Randall I, and Queen Marieke I. The war being held between Seashire (Halifax) and Malagentia (southern Maine), it soon became known as the S&M War (9), and it continues and grows to this day.
In the time after Rakkurai and until around A.S. XXII [1987-88], the East had a tradition of giving out award scrolls with standardized wordings which were kept in the Tyger Clerk of the Signet Handbook. So it was that almost every recipient of an award had a wording very close to that of other recipients. In later A.S. XXII it became more common for recipients to receive personalized and detailed wordings, and so prose composition became a part of the growing artistic golden period that was and is, East Kingdom scrolls (10).
Throughout this period, Clan Yama Kaminari became a renewed center of Japanese study, producing peers and royalty in the East, and later in Æthelmearc. Along the way they added pageantry and mirth to Pennsic, and are still highly active.
These households had a huge effect on the East, and are indicative of the rise of households as an administrative form.
On October 10th, A.S. XXII [1987], Morguhn Sheridan became the first unbelted duke in the history of the East (1). Morguhn was knighted in the fullness of time, reigned a third time in the East, and four times in Æthelmearc (2&3) twice as Serene Prince and twice as King, bringing great honor to both kingdoms.
Shortly after New Year’s Day in the spring of A.S. XXIII [1988-89], King Gavin II and Queen Sedalia II held the 41st Crown Tournament of the East Kingdom, with Lord Lucan von Drachenklaue defeating Earl Sebastian Nightwind in the finals (4). Unfortunately, sometime later, while cleaning his car, Lucan discovered the unmailed envelope containing his SCA membership renewal (5). He informed the King and Queen of his faux pas and resultant ineligibility to fight in the tournament. His victory was invalidated.
As a result, two months later King Gavin and Queen Sedalia also held the 42nd Crown Tournament of the East open only to those entrants of the 41st Crown who were still eligible and desirous of fighting again. This Crown was won by Count Randal of the Dark over Duke Morguhn Sheridan (4). A month later, at Pennsic XVII [A.S. XXVIII (1988)], the noble and honest Lucan was made Master at Arms (6), and so too, was Duke Morguhn knighted. In the fullness of time, Lucan and Morguhn served as King a total of 13 times, and three times served as Serene Prince of Aethelmearc.
At Pennsic XVII [A.S. XXVIII (1988)], for the first time in history, the East won the Belted Champions’ Battle (7). Also, for the first time in history, the East lost the Unbelted Champions’ Battle (8). This was only the fourth Unbelted Champions’ Battle whereas there had been many Belted Champions’ Battles through the years. Sir Ino Ogami, founder of Clan Yama Kamanari, and the Eastern Warlord considered winning the Belted Champions’ Battle a quest. So it was that though the war was lost, this quest was finally completed (8).
Beginning in A.S. XXI [1986-87], Syr Andreas Hak led a movement to make Æthelmearc (Central and Western New York, Central and Western Pennsylvania, and the West Virginia panhandle [and now includes all of West Virginia]) a principality. This came to fruition on December 2nd, A.S. XXIV [1989] when Tarbold Celerius and Cainder of Loch Suili were invested as First Prince and Princess of Æthelmearc (3).
May 1st, A.S. XXVI [1991] arrived and the SCA was twenty-five years old. In the East Kingdom, King Randal III and Queen Katherine II reigned. In Drachenwald, Prince Connor and Princess Catherine were on the thrones. In Æthelmearc, Prince Alexander and Princess Rannveigr ruled. Æthelmearc having a somewhat different calendar in that age, they also had heirs. Tanist Lucan and Tanista Jana awaited investiture (1).
The July A.S. XXVIII [1993] issue of Pikestaff carries the event announcement for the First Drachenwald Coronation. The Calendar lists the event as a Royal Progress event and the date as July 1st-4th. What the Calendar, event announcement, and all of the court reports and other references published in Pikestaff in the following months failed to do, was specify on which of those four days the actual Coronation ceremony happened (2). Furthermore, the official history of Drachenwald says only that this happened in July (3), so for the third time in this history, a kingdom is founded on a date that cannot be verified. (Following earlier publication of this history, Countess Genvieve sent word indirectly that the coronation occurred on July 4.)
What matters is that King Tsurunaga and Queen Genevieve traveled across the seas and crowned Sir Elffin O’Mona and Vanna Edwinsdochter Dawburn as first King and Queen of Drachenwald. This happened on July 1st, or 2nd, or 3rd, or 4th of A.S. XXVIII [1993].
And so it was that Drachenwald was no longer part of the East.
In the years around A.S. XXX [1995-96], the East entered the time of the great dukes and duchesses, first among them being Lucan von Drachenklaue having served eight times as King of the East, and once as Prince of Æthelmearc and Duchess Jana von Dachenklaue having reigned five times as Queen of the East, and once as Princess of Æthelmearc. Others from this time include Duke Darius, Duchess Etheldreda (also known as Roxanne), Duke Gregor, Duke Andreas (Ice Falcon), Duke Balfar and Duchess Luna, Duke Edward, and Duke Hanse (4).
On September 20th, A.S. XXXII [1997-98], King Hanse and Queen Moruadh traveled to the Western Marches and crowned Viscount Yngvar the Dismal and Viscountess Caryl Olesdattir as First King and Queen of Æthelmearc (5).
And so it was that Æthelmearc was no longer part of the East.
On January 11th, AS XXXVIII [2003] His Majesty Andreas Eisefalke von Ulm announced that he was stepping down as monarch to answer the call to service in the United States Marine Corps. His Majesty, Baron Dietrich von Ulm was first named as a Regent to act as advisor and support for Her Majesty Isabella of York to continue Her reign. It was quickly determined that East Kingdom law did not then allow for the term Regent, and His Excellency was named an advisor to the Queen. As Andreas made preparations to serve his country, it became unlikely that he would be able to complete his second reign thus making him ineligible for the title of Duke. Soon a petition began to circulate asking the Board of Directors to reconsider the ducal policy in light of the extenuating circumstances. As it happened, the BoD’s next meeting was scheduled for January 25th of that year. The members voted to approve an exception to the Governing Documents to allow Andreas to be created a Duke even if he didn’t finish his reign (6).
January 8th, AS XL (2005) saw the creation of the first female knight of the East when King Thorvald and Queen Svava elevated Ankara Lig Niki to the Order of the Chivalry. Speakers at her ceremony included Master El of the Two Knives, Duke Gavin, and Duchess Jana (5).
On January 31st, A.S. XLIII [2009], King Darius IV and Queen Alethea created Tir Mara a Crown Principality of the East with the Crown Prince and Princess serving as Heads of State for Tir Mara (Atlantic Canada) (1). While this designation has no formal existence under the governing documents of the SCA, it can be used to recognize the growth of a region and can be considered a semi-formal declaration of an area’s intent to work toward Principality status (7). From a cultural point of view, it demonstrates the East Kingdom’s continued willingness to do things beyond (or outside) the official rules of the Society.
In August XLVII [2012] at Pennsic XLI, for the first time the war was not structured as the East versus the Middle, but rather the East and Middle Coalition against the Æthelmearc and Atlantia Alliance. The East and Middle emerged victorious (2). For the next two years, Pennsic returned to the East versus the Middle format, but Pennsic XLIV [A.S. L (2015)] once again featured an Æthelmearc and Atlantia Alliance facing the East and Middle Coalition (4).
On October 3rd, A.S. L [2015], King Darius V and Queen Etheldreda IV were called away and the East Kingdom Seneschale was named Crown Regent Dueña Mercedes Vera de Calafia. She held court long enough to lead the populace in song, and to crown King Brennan II who Crowned Queen Caoilfhionn II (3), in a much happier sequel to East Kingdom Seneschale Elfrida serving as Regent long enough to crown Cariadoc forty-three years earlier.
And so did the East Kingdom complete a half century on a happy note, proud of its independent culture, and its status as the Second Kingdom of the SCA.
This history was written by Andreas Hak, who could easily be wrong on various points because one thing is certain: nothing is certain.
1 – From a letter from Duke Siegfried von Höflichkeit to Syr Andreas Hak dated 29 June 1992.
2 – “The First Tournament.” The History of the Kingdom of the West Annotated Version of April 15th, 2001; by Master Wilhelm von Schlüssel, page 3.
3 – Early History of the SCA by Master John ap Griffon, pages 1 & 2 respectively for the Twelfth Night reports.
1 – Letter from Duke Siegfried von Höflichkeit to Syr Andreas Hak dated 4 May 1992.
2 – “Does the East Deserve a Kingdom?” by Elfrida, Lady Greenwalls in Pennoncel v.3#2 for February 1971 but incorrectly dated 1972, page 7.
3 – From a long phone interview of Sir Eiolf Eriksson by Syr Andreas Hak on 8 April 1992. Some details from which appeared in “An Eastern Origin” in Old News #1 for 1992, page 4.
4 – From conversations with Master El of the Two Knives at the 49th? Coronation of the East 3 April 1992.
5 - From a letter sent from Baron Frederic of Feolildyn to Syr Andreas Hak dated 13 July 1992.
6 – From a letter from Duke Siegfried von Höflichkeit to Syr Andreas Hak dated 29 June 1992.
7 - The History of the Kingdom of the West Annotated Version of April 15th, 2001; by Master Wilhelm von Schlüssel, page 33.
8 – I am looking at a copy of Pennoncel v.1#4 as I write this.
1 – From conversations with Master El of the Two Knives at the 49th? Coronation of the East 3 April 1992.
2 – According to Early History of the SCA by John ap Griffon pages 1 & 2 the regular use of King and Queen was not discussed until Twelfthnight A.S. I held January 1st, 1967, and was not written down until Twelfthnight A.S. II held January 6th, 1968, so it would not be surprising that the information was not readily available in the East a mere six months later.
3 – Early History of the SCA by John ap Griffon page 2.
4 – Pennoncel v.1#4 for October 1968, page 3. This issue is the first in our files and the same issue announcing the upcoming First Crown Tournament.
5 – The History of the Kingdom of the West Annotated Version of April 15th, 2001; by Master Wilhelm von Schlüssel, page 24.
6 – From a long phone interview of Sir Eiolf Eriksson by Syr Andreas Hak on 8 April 1992.
7 – From an email from Baron Frederic of Feolildwyn to Syr Andreas Hak dated 21 Oct 2017.
8 – Pennoncel (v.2#1) for August 15, 1969, page 1.
9 – Pennoncel (v.2#1) for August 15, 1969, page 3.
10 – From a letter sent from Baron Frederic of Feolildyn to Syr Andreas Hak dated 13 July 1992.
11 – The History of the Kingdom of the West Annotated Version of April 15th, 2001; by Master Wilhelm von Schlüssel, page 25.
12 – Tournaments Illuminated v.1#8 as quoted by Schlüssel and in a letter to Syr Andreas Hak from Mistress Aravis del Clare dated 17 June 1991.
13 – East Kingdom Order of Precedence dated 9 July 1990.
14 – “Alphbetical Award Listing – B” Order of Precedence Kingdom of the East http://op.eastkingdom.org/op_name.php?letter=B
15 – Pennoncel v.1#4 for October 1968, page 1.
1 – “Tournament Under the Mountain.” Pennoncel (v.2#1) for 15 August 1969, page 3.
2 – “Memorable Bits of Eastern History” by Duke Akbar. East Kingdom Gazette 8 January 2015. http://eastkingdomgazette.org/2015/01/08/the-memorable-bits-of-eastern-history-by-duke-akbar/
3 – Early History of the SCA by John ap Griffon page 4.
4 – From an interview of Duke Cariadoc by Master Crag Duggan at Pennsic XIX August 1990, part of the Calontir Living History Series.
5 – “West Kingdom Awards List”. Order of Precedence dated 24 December 2015 http://heralds.westkingdom.org/Awards/WestOP.pdf
6 – “Order of the Chivalry”. Order of Precedence: Kingdom of Atlantia. http://op.atlantia.sca.org/op_award.php?award_group_id=1
7 – The Middle Kingdom Order of Precedence. http://www.midrealm.org/op/op.php
8 – In this case “All parties” include those referenced in notes 3 & 4 for this chapter, and Schlüssel page 49.
9 – Midrealm Royalty http://www.midrealm.org/midrealm_royalty.html
10 – The Long List of World Science Fiction Conventions (Worldcons) http://www.smofinfo.com/LL/TheLongList.html
11 – “Calendar for Year 1969 (United States).” Time and Date.com. http://www.timeanddate.com/calendar/?year=1969&country=1
1 – From conversations with Master El of the Two Knives at the 49th? Coronation of the East 3 April 1992 and recounted in “An Observation” Old News #1 for 1992 page 17-18.
2 – “Memorable Bits of Eastern History” by Duke Akbar. East Kingdom Gazette 8 January 2015. http://eastkingdomgazette.org/2015/01/08/the-memorable-bits-of-eastern-history-by-duke-akbar/
3 – Steven Mesnick (Master Steffan ap Kennydd ) on FaceBook 20 June 2018 in “Comments to Peter Olsen”. This is also recounted in the East Kingdom Wiki, but the FaceBook version is a little clearer and fuller. https://www.facebook.com/steve.mesnick/posts/2150049375024547?notif_id=1529350763601775¬if_t=mention
4 – “Eastern Crowns” in Old News #1 for 1992 pages 10-11
5 – “News from the East Kingdom”. Pennoncel v.2#3, page 1.
6 – From an email to Syr Andreas hak from Baron Frederic of Feolildwyn dated 21 Oct 2017.
7 – “Chronicles: Snug Harbour I”. Pennoncel v.3#1, page 7.
8 – “Coronation”. Pennoncel v.3#1, page 8.
9 – East Kingdom Order of Precedence dated 9 July 1990.
1 – “Stevens State Park – Crown Tournament – Hackettstown, New Jersey” Pennoncel v.3#4 for summer 1971, pages 6-7.
2 – “Bonzai, Shogunate!” Pennoncel v.3#5 1971, pages 10-12, quote from page 11.
3 – From a letter sent from Baron Frederic of Feolildyn to Syr Andreas Hak dated 13 July 1992.
4 – As per note 2 for the first two points. The trial of Frederic is noted in “The Council”, Pennoncel v.3#6, page 8. Also as per note 3. Also in “The Fred Phillips Affair” The Deposition of Shlomo ben Shlomo in the Matter of the Actions of Rakkurai of Kamakura, kt, Currently Shogun of the East, undated from 1972, page 1-2.
5 – From conversations with Master El of the Two Knives at the 49th? Coronation of the East 3 April 1992.
6 – “Other Unethical Dealings” Section III, The Deposition of Shlomo ben Shlomo in the Matter of the Actions of Rakkurai of Kamakura, kt, Currently Shogun of the East, undated from 1972, page 8.
7 – As outlined in The Matter of the Actions of Rakkurai of Kamakura, kt. Currently Shogun of the East, undated from 1972, sections by Shlomo ben Shlomo and sections by Count Vardak of Iloi.
8 – This moment in history has been reported to me by multiple people including one eyewitness, however it was never reported on the record, therefore names and references are omitted. It is included here as part of the oral history of the East with the hope that it adds flavor without negative repercussions at this late date.
9 – The collapse of Pennoncel was followed by various issues of Banneret, and The Autocrat’s Advocate, at least one issue called simply East Kingdom Newsletter, until finally Pikestaff #1 emerged in August 1972.
10 – “News of the Known World”, Pikestaff #1, August 1972, pages 4-5.
11 – “War!” Pennoncel v3#6, November 1971, pages 7-8.
12 – From an interview of Duke Cariadoc by Master Crag Duggan at Pennsic XIX August 1990, part of the Calontir Living History Series.
13 – “Memorable Bits of Eastern History” by Duke Akbar. East Kingdom Gazette 8 January 2015. http://eastkingdomgazette.org/2015/01/08/the-memorable-bits-of-eastern-history-by-duke-akbar/
1 – An excellent firsthand account of the Crown won by Jehan is available at “Early Stories of the East from Count Jehan de la Marche”, East Kingdom Gazette, 2 December 2014 http://eastkingdomgazette.org/2014/12/02/early-stories-of-the-east-from-count-jehan-de-la-marche/#more-6775
2 – Taken from a letter sent from Count Jehan to Syr Andreas Hak dated 27 June 1992.
3 – From the East Kingdom Order of Precedence dated 9 July 1990.
1 – “SCA as Grand Theatre” by Tamera FitzGloucestre of the White Boar in ThinkWell, #15 April 1993, page 7.
2 – “Pennsic II”, A History of the Pennsic War, edited by Lady Ts’vee’a bas Tseepora Levi of Granada, 1991, page 4.
3 – From an online posting by Duke Cariadoc dated April 5th, 1994 and available at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/rec.org.sca/_8v1sZy3RvE/10-uydgjVl8J in the thread titled Duke Angus’s trial – result.
4 – “Memories of Pennsic IV” by Countess Brekke Franksdottir and Sir Michael of York, East Kingdom Gazette, 12 May 2015 http://eastkingdomgazette.org/2015/05/12/memories-of-pennsic-iv/#more-8140
5 – From an email to Syr Andreas Hak from Countess Arastorm the Golden, 18 Jun 2018.
6 – Pennsic IV may be the source of more Eastern folklore than any other single event. When I was new to the SCA, people who had heard of the SCA knew of Pennsic Puddle and told stories of it, even though they never joined the Society. I believe it would be great source material for a book. The article cited in Note 4 would be an excellent starting place, as it is full of warmth and wonder.
7 – “Aonghais Dugh MacTarbh.” Compendium Caidis. http://wiki.caid-commons.org/index.php/Aonghais_Dubh_MacTarbh
8 – Chivproject http://www.whitebelt.com/CHIVPROJECT/zweblist.pdf
9 – “Hamwi, Serio Jury Recommends Life”, Sun Sentinel, 5 May 1994, http://articles.sun-sentinel.com/1994-05-05/news/9405050102_1_susan-hamwi-jury-shane-hamwi
10 – “Obituaries of SCA Members” http://sandradodd.com/people/obituaries/sca
1 - “Myrkewood Brethren Stage Second Event” Pennoncel v4#1 for January 1972, pages 2-4 with specific reference on page 4.
2 – At the Atlantean Decennial Event I interviewed many people, and Vuong Manh was one thing they all agreed upon. Much miscellaneous information in this chapter was gathered at that event. I may have recently recovered recordings of some of those interviews, but if so, they are on archaic cassettes which were much distressed by the extreme heat of the day, and will need a specialist to recover them. My attendance at that event was completely due to Viscount Bear who has been a great patron of SCA history efforts.
3 – “AS XI” History of Tir-y-Don, http://tirydon.atlantia.sca.org/About/History/history.php
4 – From an email to Syr Andreas Hak from Countess Ianthé d’Averoigne, 18 June 2018.
5 – Gyrth himself told this story in “The Pennsic War and Me” by Duke Gyrth Oldcastle of Ravenspur in ThinkWell #18 December 1993, pages 1-4. The account is magnificent, and the printed page at least partly captures Gyrth’s magnificent story-telling ability. He is sorely missed by this historian.
6 – “Pennsic VII”, A History of the Pennsic War, edited by Lady Ts’vee’a bas Tseepora Levi of Granada, 1991, page 10.
7 – “Brief and Informal History of the Order of the Pelican.” Compiled by Hilary of Serendip 1989. The History of the Kingdom of the West. Available at: http://history.westkingdom.org/Misc/PelicanHistory.htm. Also printed in Old News #2 for 1993.
8 – Early History of the SCA by John ap Griffon page 8.
9 – From “An Observation” Old News #1 for 1992 pages 16-17.
1 – “First Ice Dragon” The Ice Dragon: The Early Years of History Passing of the Ice Dragon, March 2013 http://www.wnysca.org/Docs/IceDragon_March2013.pdf
2 – This is what Syr Mago told me at the time, and it has never, to my knowledge, been disputed.
3 – “Previous Pennsic War Results” on PennsicWar.Org http://www.pennsicwar.org/ANNUAL/pwhistory.html
4 – “Kingdom Differences & Regional Traits” section by Duke Gyrth Oldcastle of Ravenspur, ThinkWell #3 early August 1991, page 2.
5 – “Kingdom Calendar” Pikestaff v.8#9 September 1979.
6 – Comment from Duke Vissevald Selkirkson to Syr Andreas Hak on Facebook, 18 June 2018. https://www.facebook.com/groups/17551346704/permalink/10155584342926705/?comment_id=10155584399681705¬if_id=1529347662410369¬if_t=group_comment
7 – It difficult for me to know how to cite this information other than to say “I was there.” In fact, it was the first Crown Tourney that I ever fought in. I lost to Hasdrubal in my first fight and Gavin in my fourth fight, so I lost to both the eventual finalists. I wrote some recollections of the non-controversial parts of the event in “The 24th Eastern Crown” in Old News #1 for 1992 pages 14-16
8 – “Welcome to the Kingdom of Acre.” http://www.kingdomofacre.org/index.html
1 – A History of the Pennsic War, edited by Lady Ts’vee’a bas Tseepora Levi of Granada, 1991
2 – “Previous Pennsic War Results” on PennsicWar.Org http://www.pennsicwar.org/ANNUAL/pwhistory.html
3 – From the East Kingdom Order of Precedence dated 9 July 1990.
4 – The October and November issues of Pikestaff list the event as Coronet Tournament, but the December issue which apparently came out just before the event, listed it as a Crown Tournament.
5 – In “Kingship” ThinkWell #19, late January 1994 Duchess Melisande wrote that Atlantia was rushed to kingdom status. “[T]here was this gas crisis, see, and it was hard to drive long distances because you could only buy gasoline on alternate days” page 5.
6 – “The Kings and Queens of Atlantia” Order of Precedence Kingdom of Atlantia http://op.atlantia.sca.org/monarchs.php
7 – “Kingdom Calendar” Pikestaff, February XVI (1982).
8 – “Equality of Peerages” by Duchess Melisande de Belvoir, ThinkWell #15 April 1993, page 13.
9 – “How to Get Yourself into a 20-Year War!” by Mestre [sic] Lyanna of Kernough, with assistance from Master Andrew of York in Aurora Borealis V.1#3 for Third Quarter 2006, page 3-4.
10 – I was quite active in the personalized wording movement, and I probably still have my copy of the Tyger Clerk of the Signet Handbook listing the standardized wordings. While I calligraphed over a hundred scrolls, long after I retired from calligraphy I was still requested to compose prose, helping create the tradition of a scripter separate from the calligrapher.
1 – From the East Kingdom Order of Precedence dated 9 July 1990.
2 – “Kings and Queens of Æthelmearc”. The Sylvan Kingdom of Æthelmearc. http://www.aethelmearc.org/royalty/history.php
3 – “Princes and Princesses of the Principality of Æthelmearc”. The Sylvan Kingdom of Æthelmearc. http://www.aethelmearc.org/royalty/history.php
4 – “Eastern Crowns” in Old News #1 for 1992 pages 10-11.
5 – Confirmed by Duke Gavin via FaceBook Message dated 28 December 2015
6 – “Pennsic XVII”, A History of the Pennsic War, edited by Lady Ts’vee’a bas Tseepora Levi of Granada, 1991, page 26.
7 – As it turns out, I was in charge of the Belted Champions’ Battle for the East that year, my first Pennsic as a knight. Warlord Ogami made it clear that he wanted a plan that would exclude the hero knights, and actually force the Eastern Chivalry to use unit tactics. I offered him a compromise solution that involved having three subunits, one composed of heroes whose goal was to cause confusion by being, well, heroes. The other two units consisted of the fast flanking unit, and a unit of heavy artillery. The hard part, of course, was going to be getting the chivalry to buy into the units. Ogami said, “leave that to me” and he was good to his word. The battle went exactly as planned and the East won dominantly.
8 – As it turns out, I was the only fighter in the East and Middle to fight in both the first Unbelted Champions’ Battle at Pennsic IX, and the second Unbelted Champions’ Battle at Pennsic XIV (and the third at Pennsic XV). Apparently I was the only fighter able to maintain enough quality to be invited to both, and yet to be a sufficiently difficult candidate that I successfully avoided elevation to the chivalry. I was also invited to fight in the fourth Unbelted Champions’ Battle at Pennsic XVI, but I had to respectfully decline due to the inconvenience of a broken leg. I am grateful to King Randall for sending the written invitation despite knowing of my injury. It affirmed that I was invited to every Unbelted Champions Battle that I qualified for.
1 – “Royalty of the East”, Pikestaff Argent Anniversary May A.S. XXVI 1991, page 2.
2 – I looked through many boxes of Pikestaves to no effect trying to nail this down.
3 – “Growth of Drachenwald”, Kingdom of Drachenwald – Twenty Glorious Years, edited by Ariel of Lindisfarne, page 16.
4 – “A History of the Crowns of the East”, East Kingdom of the Society for Creative Anachronism. http://www.eastkingdom.org/EKRoyalHistory.php
5 – “Kings and Queens of Æthelmearc”. The Sylvan Kingdom of Æthelmearc. http://www.aethelmearc.org/royalty/history.php
1 – “Welcome/Bienvenue”. The Crown Principality of Tir Mara. http://tirmara.eastkingdom.org/
2 – “Previous Pennsic War Results” on PennsicWar.Org http://www.pennsicwar.org/ANNUAL/pwhistory.html
3 – “Unofficial Court Report of the Crown Regent of the East” East Kingdom Gazette 5 October 2015 available at: http://www.scatoday.net/aggregator/categories/1?page=7
4 – “Pennsic News” http://aethelmearcgazette.com/2014/12/13/pennsic-news/
5 – “Ankara Made First Female Knight in the East Kingdom” http://www.scatoday.net/node/3398
6 – “More About Dukal Petition for HRM Andreas” http://scatoday.net/story.php?search_id=N-20030113-142454-0003
7 - “Crown Principality” http://cunnan.sca.org.au/wiki/Crown_Principality
IMPORTANT CONTRIBUTORS not otherwise fully noted:
My special thanks to:
Viscount Bear the Wallsbane who coerced me into attending the Atlantean Decennial where a great deal of otherwise impossible research happened. He has always been a stalwart patron of SCA historians, and I have called him the ‘First Citizen of Æthelmearc’ (first in the sense of importance rather than chronology). His contributions to the East and Æthelmearc are immeasurable.
Sir Eiolf Eriksson for granting me a long phone interview, and allowing me to pester him with follow-up questions in person, and via email.
Master El of the Two Knives for taking time out of multiple events to answer my questions.
Countess Ælflæd of Duckford who mailed me ThinkWells and old Pikestaves.
Viscountess Hilary of Serendip who sent me John ap Griffon’s Early History of the SCA, and her history of the Pelican.
Countess Fern de la Foret who was polite in telling me to put my butt in the chair and write the history, and shepherded this through the SCA’s 50 Year Celebration.
Master Steffan ap Kennydd who shared both the story of the Admiral of the Armies, and the confirmation of Vardak’s Court Count status, and also publicized the online version of this, causing other’s to contact me with additions and corrections.
Dame Hrefna Ulfvarinnsdottir who gave this much needed editing, and added important paragraphs to the last chapter.
Many other people who sent me material, letters, and encouragement. This would not have happened without the encouragement from everyone involved.
From common beginnings all our diversity grows, and so the largest part of this history focuses on the earliest times of the East Kingdom. And yet that earliest history is scattered, conflicted, and diffused by the varying eyes of individuals and the distorting lens of years.
So it is that the beginning is chaos, as it ever has been.
In the beginning there was but one kingdom, and it was the Knowne World. The history of the Knowne World began when Diana Listmaker, taken by the martial prowess of Siegfried von Höflichkeit and Fulk de Wyvern, put out a call to fighters and heralds and lords and ladies to attend a contest of arms on the first of May. Siegfried and Fulk did answer the call, arranging for the tournament to take place (1). The tournament was won by Aeginius (later known as Duke Richard of Mont Real). With the consent of all combattants, Siegfried called forth David the Herald (later known as Ardral Argo verKaeysc), bade him kneel, and knighted him. And so the first knight of the SCA was made (2), and in the future all time would be reckoned from the day of Diana’s tournament making it Anno Societatus I, and making May 1st the SCA’s New Year’s Day.
In these darkest reaches of time the titles king and queen had not yet achieved the absolute usage of today. And so early events included a “Queen of Love and Beauty”, a “King of Misrule” and a “Queen of the May”. It was at the Twelfth Night event in A.S. I [1967] where the more modern SCA usage of king and queen came to be, and from it the lineage of royalty was cast. At Twelfth Night in A.S. II [1968] additional conventions and royal titles were established (3), and the World as we know it began. It was established at this time that the main cycle of events were the three combined crown tournament/coronations, and Twelfth Night each year, and for many years thereafter, they were the chronicle of the SCA.
In the fullness of time, the Knowne World grew stronger and more diverse, and it became necessary to expand. Some nobles journeyed from the west coast of the great land and settled on the east coast, first among them Elfrida of Greenwalls and Walter of Greenwalls. It should be known that Elfrida and Walter were present at the creation of the Knowne World, and were the autocrats of the second event ever (1). It is uncertain whether Elfrida and Walter returned in the first month of A.S. II [1967-68] or early A.S. III [1968-69], but it may be inferred from reports, and from Elfrida’s writings in Pennoncel (2), that they most probably returned in May or June of A.S. II [1967], and that SCA activities began on the eastern shores of the Knowne World, though no official events occurred.
Eiolf Eriksson discovered the SCA on a journey west. Upon his return, and understanding that Elfrida was one of the founders of the SCA, Eiolf urged his friend to start an eastern cycle of crown events (3). According to El of the Two Knives, Elfrida received an official Charter of Recognition to do this from the King (4), and by the hand of the Steward Jon DeCles, though the document in question has been lost to the mists of time.
Frederic of Feolildwyn has written that it was King Richard the Short who sent the Charter, and that it appointed Elfrida High Seneschal of the new land (5). This would fit historical records if Elfrida returned in A.S. II [1967-68], and waited for Eiolf’s urging to autocrat the events.
If Elfrida returned in A.S. III [1968-69], King William the Silent would have been the appropriate king to have sent the Charter for the timing of the ill-fated first attempt at an eastern crown tournament. This makes sense as King Siegfried von Höflichkeit reports having sent Sir Ardral to the east for the purpose of knighting the winner of the tournament, though the rained-out first attempt caused the actual first tournament to happen in the reign of Siegfried’s successor (6).
A third possibility is that Richard the Short sent the Charter in A.S. III [1967-68], meaning he would have done so while serving as Crown Prince. This divergence is unimportant in the face of agreement that the charter was issued, but is noted here to demonstrate the difficulty of reconciling reports, and to establish the practice of presenting multiple views when opinions differ significantly.
Master Wilhelm von Schlüssel reports that in March of A.S. III [1969], the East Kingdom newsletter, Pennoncel, appeared under the auspices of Elfrida (7), but this date is almost certainly incorrect. Volume 1, number 4 of Pennoncel is not clearly dated, but its main content is the event announcement for the Second Crown Tournament of the East to be held October 27th, A.S. III [1968] (8). Keeping in mind that March of A.S. III [1969] comes five months after October of A.S. III [1968], it seems likely that Pennoncel started in A.S. II [1967-68].
In any event, official activity had commenced by A.S. III [1967-68]. Now it was left to create royalty.
At least one report claims that Maragorn the Artificer and Adrienne of Toledo were crowned King and Queen of the new kingdom while they were in the west, just before they moved, for the specific purpose of getting the Crown Cycle of events started in the East. This conflicts with both tradition and reports, and is not generally accepted. For example, El of Two Knives has stated that Maragorn and Adrienne were appointed regents by the Eastern Aulic Council before the tournament (1). If the “crowned in the West” version of events is considered possible, then that date for the first Eastern Coronation is lost in antiquity.
Throughout the decades there have been countless conflicting reports of whether Maragorn and Adrienne styled themselves as King and Queen. Almost all period reports indicate that they did not, and given that the formalization of those titles had occurred only very recently (2) and far away on the west coast, this should be no surprise.
According to Master El of the Two Knives it was only when the East argued the case with the Imperium years later that Maragorn and Adrienne were retroactively named King and Queen and given the titles Count and Countess (1). Given that just six months before Maragorn and Adrienne’s service as regents, the Society had retroactively made the winners of the first three tournaments Kings, and their ladies Queens (3), this seems like a reasonable course of action.
Yet in Pennoncel before the First Crown Tournament there is one passing reference to Queen Adrienne (4). Given that the issue was written by Elfrida (styling herself Dame Marion) there is some credence to the possibility of the title being used before the First Crown.
On June 2nd, A.S. III [1968], Elfrida and Walter autocratted an event hoped to be a crown tournament, but it was rained out. The event happened without the tournament. One account writes “Elfrida appointed Maragon [sic] the Artificer to sit as King and Adrienne of Toledo to sit as Queen, to preside over the first tourney and first crown lists, where upon the first true king would be chosen by combat” (5). The sense of ‘presiding’ king rather than ‘true’ king is probably close to the spirit of what happened regardless of the details of titles actually used. Nonetheless, this report implies that the date of a first Eastern King and Queen was the date of this event. The event was also attended by Alfgar the Sententious, El of the Two Knives, Rakkurai of Kamakura, Eiolf Erickson, and Robert the Puppeteer, among others. There are many oral accounts of the attendees taking refuge in The Cloisters, but being required to check their swords in the umbrella stand before being allowed admittance.
On July 21st, A.S. III [1968], a successful crown tournament was held, and thenceforth, the Knowne World was divided between the West Kingdom and the East Kingdom. The tournament was won by Bruce of Cloves who defeated Rakkurai of Kamakura in the finals (6). According to Baron Frederic of Feolildwyn, the marshal in charge, “[t]here were only two contestants for the Eastern Crown” (7). At the event, Maragorn acted as Regent, with Adrienne of Toledo as his consort. Other attendees included Alfgar, Aravis del Clare, and Eiolf Eriksson.
The official listed date of Coronation for Maragorn and Adrienne is July 21st, A.S. III [1968], but it is difficult to make a case for this. Clearly they were already serving as regents when they attended the rained out tournament of June 2nd, A.S. III [1968]. Across the veil of years, July 21st, A.S. III [1968], the day that the East held its first rightful Crown Tournament, has been chosen as the start of official Eastern history. For this date to be applied to Maragorn and Adrienne has a certain resonance, but little basis in fact.
Some of the confusion over the use of King and Queen may have arisen because Adrienne began styling herself Queen later on. In the Pennoncel, the event announcement for the second Eastern Crown Tournament to be held August 24th A.S. IV [1969] was listed as “Presented by Queen Adrienne of Toledo...” (8). This was published ten months after the latest possible date for the Coronation of Queen Florence, so two Easterners were using the title queen at the same time. In the next issue of Pennoncel there was an article by John of Brooke-Lynn, first Chief Herald to the East Kingdom, explaining proper use of titles in the SCA. Much of the article is now inaccurate, but it may have been inspired to clear up the problem of multiple queens. By the Christmas A.S. V [1970] issue of Pennoncel, Adrienne was styling herself as Lady having set aside queen and not yet having acquired countess. On at least a few occasions she styled herself Prima Regina Emerita (9).
It was widely reported that Bruce of Cloves was knighted by Sir Ardral on the occasion of winning the first Eastern Crown Tournament, but Frederic of Feolildwyn reports a different series of events (10). Frederic who served as de facto herald for the ceremony writes that Maragorn bade Bruce kneel, and dubbed him knight using Frederic’s court sword. Frederic also reports that Aragorn “and Adrienne... never crowned Bruce of Cloves and Florence.” Most reports agree on this point, though the history of Master Wilhelm claims they were crowned there (11). This may have been based on an implication from the report of the event in Tournaments Illuminated (12).
Frederic writes that Bruce and Florence traveled to the 26th WorldCon (World Science Fiction Convention) which was in the West. Upon returning Bruce reported to Frederic that while he was there he was ushered into a pavilion before select SCA officers and was once again knighted, this time by a sitting king. Then King Richard crowned Bruce and Florence as First King and Queen of the East (10). El of the Two Knives reports having seen the knighting (1). Given the political opposition of Frederic and El, their agreement on this point seems a strong indication of its accuracy. That particular WorldCon was held from August 29th until September 2nd making Sunday September 1st, A.S. III [1968] the most likely occasion of the Coronation.
There is a long tradition that Sir Ardral knighted Bruce. Given that King Richard was a master at arms, and unable to knight Bruce without the hand of a knight on the sword, it seems probable that Sir Ardral’s hand was present if this is the occasion of Bruce’s official knighting.
All agree that Bruce of Cloves was the first knight of the East. The historical precedence lists his date of knighting as 09/??/68 (13). The current online precedence lists the date as September 1st, A.S. III [1968] (14) which is the WorldCon date. In the end, Bruce was knighted by Maragorn, or by Ardral, or by Richard. And Bruce was knighted on July 21st, August 29th, 30th, 31st, September 1st, 2nd, or September ??, depending on the source.
According to Pennoncel, (15) Bruce and Florence were expected to be Crowned on October 27th, A.S. III [1968] at the Crown Tournament to determine their successors and this is the recorded date of their Coronation, but it may be inaccurate. Through the mists of time, Frederic argues that October 27th was a Monday (10), and that the correct date of the tournament was October 26th. In fact, October 27th, 1968 was a Sunday, but his point that the tournament may have been held on the 26th has been argued by others who were there, so it may have been on Saturday.
And so Chapter Three ends with the report that the first King and Queen of the East Kingdom are recorded as Maragorn and Adrienne, but were probably Bruce and Florence. The date when the East Kingdom first claimed a King and Queen may be an unknown date in late A.S. II or early A.S. III. Or it may be June 2nd, A.S. III. Or it may be July 21st, A.S. III. Or it may be August 29th, 30th, 31st, September 1st or 2nd, A.S. III. Or it may be October 26th or 27th, A.S. III.
And so it was that the East was begat of confusion.
The record of the reign of Bruce and Florence is incomplete, though the reign lasted at least ten months. The records show periods of inactivity, but also the royalties’ presence at official Eastern events. It would be fair to say that during the reign of Bruce and Florence the East Kingdom underwent growing pains as it developed an economic and administrative infrastructure to support a kingdom.
The confusion that begat the East continued on July 6th, A.S. IV [1969] when a ‘Crown Tourney’ was held in the Wilmot Principality (sometimes called Under the Mountain and referring in this case to Chicago) where Adrienne represented the King of the East giving legitimacy to the tournament. Keriadoc of Mauretania (later Cariadoc of the Bow) defeated Michael the Bradley in the finals (1).
Shortly thereafter, on July 24th, A.S. IV [1969], Sir Alpin the MacGregor of Gotz-Karlsburg won the second Crown Tournament of the East defeating Sir Eiolf in the finals. At least four fighters contended for the Crown as Akbar and Maragorn both fought in the lists (2) with the finalists. Alpin was Crowned immediately, styling himself King MacGregor and his consort Morgana, Queen.
The confusion as to whether the Wilmot Principality would be a kingdom or a principality was resolved (2) when, according to John ap Griffin, on September 7th, A.S. IV [1969], King MacGregor knighted and then crowned Keriadoc King of the Middle Kingdom and Keriadoc in turn crowned Diana Queen (3). Akbar reports the elevation of the Middle from Principality to Kingdom status as a decision of the Board of Directors (2), rather than an initiative of the East. I note here that in Ancient Days, the Board of Directors called themselves The Council of Imperial Electors, and this was commonly shortened to The Imperial Electors, or The Imperium. As a result, decisions from the proto-BoD were described as ‘Imperial’, and for some years they also gave out ‘Imperial’ Pelicans.
Cariadoc remembers his knighting differently. He reports being knighted by Adrienne after winning the tournament on July 6th, A.S. IV [1969], but “it was later decided that that didn’t count because she wasn’t a knight, and I got knighted by whoever was then King of the West when I was out in the bay area” (4). According to the West Kingdom Order of Precedence King Siegfried and Queen Ardys knighted Cariadoc on July 9th, A.S. IV [1969] (5). The Atlantian (6) and Midrealm (7) online Orders of Precedence both list the date of Cariadoc’s knighting as December 31st, A.S. IV [1969].
Therefore, depending on the source consulted, Cariadoc was knighted by the East, or the West. By Countess Adrienne, King MacGregor, or King Siegfried on July 6th, July 9th, August 28th, 29th, 30th, 31st, September 1st, September 7th, September 30th, or December 31st, A.S. IV.
All parties (8) agree that the first Midrealm Coronation happened at the 27th WorldCon, but dates vary. In the annals of the Middle Kingdom, the date is listed as September 30th, A.S. IV [1969] (9). As noted, John ap Griffin cites the date of September 7th, A.S. [1969] (3). The problem with these dates is that reliable outside sources show that WorldCon happened from August 28th to September 1st, A.S. IV [1969] (10) with August 31st being a Sunday (11) and the most likely day for the event to happen.
Therefore, depending on the source, the Midrealm became a kingdom on August 28th, 29th, 30th, 31st, September 1st, September 7th, or September 30th, A.S. IV.
So, too, was the Midrealm begat of confusion.
And so it was that the Midrealm was no longer part of the East.
During the reign of The MacGregor and Morgana, the East faced a much different challenge than the previous reign. While the heart of the East Kingdom at that time lay in Ǿstgarđr (New York City), the MacGregor lived hours away in Carolingia (Boston). As it turned out, there were two streets in Carolingia with the same name and some numbers in common including the MacGregor’s. As a result, little correspondence ever reached him (1).
Nor was the East well apprised of the ways of the West, which were not yet traditional, but should have been precedence setting. One interesting historical note in this regard is the elevation of Vardak Mirceavich to the title of Court Count. There are various reports about how it came about, but the key is at the second East Kingdom Crown or soon after (2), King MacGregor (or his Regent) made Vardak a count. There have been stories of this being due to a noble and dramatic gesture on Vardak’s part, and other accounts that it was because of his body of service as marshall and entertainer. It was definitely not because he had served as king. While this award was at odds with the newly established use of titles, it was eventually upheld by the Brigantia Herald and the Board of Directors (3).
With Vardak’s elevation, and given the retroactive rank of County given to Maragorn and Adrienne, for the rest of the MacGregor’s reign, there were in the official history of the East three people of County rank who had not served as royalty by rite of arms. And only two who had earned the rank by serving by rite of arms, Bruce and Florence. This is an enduring marker that the East was different from the start. Somehow the West and the East managed to fit together to make up the burgeoning Knowne World, but it was far from a smooth diplomacy. In fairness to the service traditions inherent in the County rank, all three individuals served admirably in those earliest days. In regards to the fighting tradition of the rank, both fighters in the group were well capable of qualifying for it by ‘rite of arms.’ Maragorn fought for the crown as soon as he was able, and Vardak reached the finals of a later crown (4). They each fought with prowess befitting the rank.
Given the difficulty of communication, and the passing of the time for a crown tournament, the Kingdom Seneschal scheduled the Third Eastern Crown Tournament without the King’s input (5). On April 26th, A.S. IV [1969], Akbar ibn Murad al-ben ibn Hakim emerged victorious (5) over Sir Eiolf (2). During this reign, Rakkurai of Kamakura succeeded Elfrida as East Kingdom Seneschal, and passed a regulation requiring a quorum of four fighters for crown tournament to be valid (6). On May 5th, A.S. V [1970], King MacGregor did pass on his Crown to Akbar who styled himself Shah (7).
In the fullness of time Akbar did pass on the Crown to his mundane father Murad nasl Muhammed ibn Hakim who also styled himself Shah (8). Murad in turn passed his Crown back to Akbar who at the end of his reign became the first Duke of the East, and so too did Khadijah become the first Duchess (9).
The sixth Eastern Crown Tournament had a unique ‘hold the field’ format in which the seven combattants were given numbers. Number 1 fought 2, the winner fought 3, the winner fought 4, and so on until in time the seventh fighter entered the list for the first time in the finals (1). Because of the unusual nature of the tournament, and because of concerns about the method of numbering the combattants, the legitimacy of the tournament was later questioned. In the end Sir Rakkurai, who received number seven, defeated Sir Eiolf in the finals (1).
The reign of Rakkurai, who styled himself Shogun, was certainly the most contentious in the history of the East. At his coronation, he required that every citizen present swear personal fealty to him, not the office of King. “[T]he officers of state surrendered unto the Crown the symbols of their trusts. This ceremony demonstrated the law that on a new king’s ascension, all state positions are vacated” (2). What it really demonstrated was Rakkurai’s belief that officers served at the whim of the Crown. He then liberally replaced former officers in an effort to ‘revitalize’ the Kingdom.
Rakkurai later held a court against Frederic of Feolildwyn in absentia convicting him of treason (3). All these things were reported in Pennoncel as well as by witnesses (4). When the time came for Rakkurai’s successor to be chosen, events were rained out (5) or cancelled, or advertised without enough details to actually take place (6). It was rumored throughout the kingdom that Rakkurai was, indeed, a weather wizard.
It will be noted here that the legal actions taken against Rakkurai included an impressive list of fourteen different charges covering a wide range of transgressions, however, there is no record of a trial being held nor the charges being proven. The paper trail, while making an excellent case and including many specifics, is still the testimony of a small number of people against which Rakkurai did not get to defend himself on the record. Rather than cite those negative, but not fully substantiated claims, let this history show the following: Shogun Rakkurai lost the confidence of his people as no king before or after him.
As his reign stretched on and on, a mounting resistance to the imperial ways of Rakkurai gained momentum (7), and he was forced to flee the kingdom. Oral tradition holds that Rakkurai was last seen boarding a southbound train while being chased by another member of the Eastern chivalry who screamed a death threat as the train pulled away (8).
Crown Tournament was held without the King, and Duke Cariadoc defeated Sir Eiolf in the finals. Of this, little more is known because by that time, the kingdom newsletter had collapsed (9), and many of the stalwarts of the East had been driven from the SCA. Rakkurai’s last court was held by proxy of Elfrida of Greenwalls who reversed the decision against Frederic (10) and crowned Duke Cariadoc King who then crowned Duchess Diana Queen.
While the reign of Rakkurai was a painful time in the East, it was not without its merits. Rakkurai was known to have a gift for pageantry and ceremony. Queen Maureen was one of the first prominent female fighters in the East. And most importantly, Rakkurai had a strong interest in war activities so wargames were held in the East for the first time (11), and Rakkurai accepted the Midrealm challenge for the First Pennsic War (12), though Murad was king when negotiations began, and Cariadoc was Eastern king by the time the war occurred (13).
Cariadoc was succeeded by Sir Jehan de la Marche (1) who, in the absence of any extant record of Eastern laws, “published a lawcode and declared all previous law inoperative” (2). All current Eastern laws descend from Jehan’s code.
Jehan was succeeded by Duke Akbar who was succeeded by Sir Finnvarr who was succeeded by Angus the Black (later Aonghais dubh Tarbh) (3).
Angus, like Rakkurai, was a man of great charisma, “and no matter what else is said about the man, in his younger days he gave splendid theater” (1). He won the 11th and 15th Eastern Crowns. While Prince he was knighted by the East at Pennsic II (2). Between his reigns he was censured by an Eastern Court of Chivalry for perjury and for misuse of kingdom funds (3), though such use is common today.
Also, between these reigns was held Pennsic IV, sometimes called Pennsic Puddle. It was the first attempt to hold a Pennsic that was longer than two days, and it began with a windstorm followed by epic bouts of rain. As has always been true of Scadians, people banded together to aid each other in every way possible, especially to fight hypothermia and feed each other.
One of the stranger components of the event was the realization “that wearing clothes actually made you colder – because the cloth held the moisture and evaporation makes you cold” (4). So it was that King Asbjorn (known for his physical beauty) took to wearing boots, leggings, a loin cloth, and no other clothing. Later in the event, Asbjorn’s loin cloth was found hanging “like a pennant from the top of Duchess Diana’s tent” (5). History has omitted what Asbjorn was wearing at that point in the war.
Of the countless stories told of Pennsic Puddle, perhaps the two most famous follow. The first is that Sir Michael of York organized a tug-of-war for the entertainment of the masses. In time, exaggerated stories of the muddiness that ensued have competed with the most wondrous tall tales of all time.
The second story is more concrete. In the woods battle when Prince Aonghais died he was pitched face-forward into the mud. The oral tradition of what happened next is this: “He was wearing his brand new pig-faced bassinet – which got stuck in the mud and began to fill with water. It took his entire band of fighters to get him out of the mud before he drowned” (4). But Countess Arastorm reports a different story, one she says is confirmed by both Aonghais and Aelfwine. She says that once Aelfwine saw the dangerous problem it took only one person to fix it, and that Aonghais described this as: “[Aelfwine] kicked my head into the next county!” (5)
The war ended with an affirmation of inter-kingdom cooperation. Nearly all the cars in the parking lot were axle deep in mud and had to be towed to pavement. This was accomplished by the Autocrat, Midrealm Duke Andrew of SeldomRest driving a tractor, and Duke Cariadoc (just off his second reign as King of the East) on the ground securing the tow chain to the cars and removing it afterward (6).
Shortly after completing his second reign as king, Aonghais moved to Caid. He was the subject of a second Court of Chivalry (7) and banished from Caid most likely in A.S. XII [1977-78] or XIII [1978-79]. In May A.S. XIV [1979] his white belt was revoked (7). Aonghais was quickly knighted again in the West on July 2nd, A.S. XIV [1979] (8). Aonghais eventually returned to the East for a prolonged period of activity.
In A.S. XXVII [1992-93] he was arrested, and eventually convicted (9). While in jail, his white belt was revoked (again) in October A.S. XXXVIII [[2003-04] (8). Aonghais died, in prison, of a heart attack on February 21st, A.S. XXXVIII [2004] (10).
At Pennsic V [1976] there was a War Point given for killing the Crown Prince of the East and Middle. Unfortunately, Crown Prince Laeghaire was unable to attend that Pennsic. In his absence King Alaric decided that the fighter who finished second in the crown to determine his heir would be appointed Admiral of the Armies and would stand in for the Crown Prince for the War Point. So it was that Tojenareum Grenville of Devon became the first Admiral of the Armies and so, too, was Tojenareum called forth and knighted.
We note here that King Alaric, Prince Laeghaire, and Sir (later Viscount) Tojenareum were all from Atlantia. As early as A.S. VII [1972-73], there were mutterings that the southern reaches of the East would make a fine principality (1). They were lacking only someone to lead them. Soon Vuong Manh emerged as that leader and the movement to make Atlantia a principality gathered steam (2).
On November 20th, A.S. XI [1976], a coronet tournament was held in Tir-y-Don (3) (lower Virginia). Graf Sir Alaric von Rotstern defeated King Laeghaire of the East in the finals. On March 26th, A.S. XI [1977], Investiture was held, and Graf Sir Alaric and Countess Yseult of Orkney were invested as First Prince and Princess of Atlantia.
After Pennsic V, the Midrealm’s Duke Dagan lead a search for a new site for Pennsic, and the East’s Bishop Geoffrey d’Ayr visited the three finalists and gave a report. That report included, “the assessment that the Coopers Lake site was gigantic, with showers, and could hold a ton of people, probably as many as 900-1000” (4). Countess Ianthé reports “that those showers were a significant but publicly unacknowledged factor” (4) in choosing the site. So it was that Pennsic found its permanent home
The Eastern reign of Gyrth Oldcastle and Melisande de Belvoir (who also served as third King and Queen of Atlantia) was notable for two reasons. At Pennsic VII [held in A.S XIII (1978)], King Gyrth was knighted (5), with King Orlando of Meridies performing the ceremony “at the request of the Eastern Chivalry” (6). This was the only occasion in Eastern history upon which a sitting king was knighted (though not the only time a king would be knighted at Pennsic).
The second was a change to the Order of the Pelican. At that time, kingdoms were required to have five Pelicans to poll in order to make new Pelicans and were to rely on BoD bestowed Imperial Pelicans until that quorum was reached. Sometime in A.S. XI [1976-77], “the Board abandoned the intent to bestow Pelicans” (7). Thus it was in A.S. XII [1977-78] that Gyrth was left with less than five active Pelicans to poll, and no hopes of future Imperial Pelicans to achieve the quorum. On July 9th, A.S. IX [1974], the Board decided that “any existing member of the Order of the Laurel could, at their discretion, petition their king to replace that membership... with membership in the Order of the Pelican” (8). Gyrth convinced Marian Edwinstowe and Duke Cariadoc to trade their Laurels for Pelicans so that the East could have five active Pelicans, and make future Pelicans legally (9).
By the end of this reign, the East had become much like the Kingdom we know today.
On March 4th, A.S. XII [1977], the Barony of the Rhydderich Hael held the first Festival of the Passing of the Ice Dragon (1). The event grew to huge proportions, including the pre-eminent arts pentathlon in the kingdom. For twenty years it marked the beginning of the tournament season and was a highlight of the arts season, and it continues to do so in Æthelmearc.
At Pennsic VIII, held in A.S. XIV [1979], the Champions’ Battles were held on Friday, the first time that war points were determined outside the weekend of the war (2). For the third time in eight Pennsics, the result was declared a tie (3).
Regarding times of turmoil, Duke Gyrth once wrote, Eastern “kings have done a much more thorough job of testing law, custom, and people’s patiences with the result that law, custom, and people’s patiences have adjusted” (4). To be fair, the process of choosing a king and queen has too often been just as challenging.
On October 27-28th, A.S. XIV [1979], The Debatable Crown was held in the Barony-Marche of the Debatable Lands (Greater Pittsburgh) (5). There had been a time of concern over rising calibrations in Crown Tourney fights, but then, there has never been a time when this was not a concern. In an effort to prevent these concerns, King Vissevald personally calibrated each fighter, but this did not prevent other problems.
The finals were attained by Barak Elandris Lord Hasdrubal, and Lord Andreas de Vulpes, but there were problems and many conferences of marshalls and royalty. Eventually the tournament was stopped, and Andreas was removed due to targetting issues (6), though some interpretted this as a calibration issue. After much additional consultation, the losing semi-finalists were asked to consider reentering the tournament. Sir Gavin Kilkenny accepted, and it was decided to refight the finals the next day between Hasdrubal and Gavin. Gavin won (7). But given the circumstances, the result was controversial. In fact, the new Prince and Princess were not even listed in the November Pikestaff, it took until the December issue to catch up.
In the fullness of time, both Hasdrubal and Gavin became dukes. The turmoil came when Andreas objected strongly to what happened, and he and his followers went on to form Medieval Scenarios and Recreations, Ltd. or MSR. This was the largest schism in the history of the East, and the MSR remains healthy thirty-six years later (8).
Around A.S. XIV [1979-80], House Elandris emerged as the greatest unit tactics military household in the history of the East. Founded by Baroness Morgan Argante Elandris, who served as Warlord of the East for Pennsic X [ A.S. XVI (1981)] and XII [A.S. XVIII (1983)] (1), House Elandris produced many knights as well as three sets of royalty. With the help of House Elandris, the East emerged victorious at Pennsic X, the first time they had won. They would not lose again until Pennsic XVI [A.S. XXII (1987)] (2).
The East’s lands across the sea waxed and waned and waxed again culminating in the investiture of Sir Jahn of Outman and Turien de Lisle as First Prince and Princess of the Principality of Drachenwald (Europe) on June 15th, A.S. XV [1980] (3).
Around A.S. XVI [1981-82], House von Halstern emerged as a great household producing many peers of every kind and many Kings and Queens.
On November 22nd, A.S. XV [1980] (4), King Michael defeated Earl Gyrth in the finals of the First Crown Tournament of Atlantia (5). On May 2nd, A.S. XVI [1981], Count Michael of Bedford and Countess Carissa of Burgundy were crowned First King and Queen of Atlantia (6).
And so it was that Atlantia was no longer part of the East.
In the aftermath of King Laeghaire and King Michael fighting in the First Coronet and Crown tournaments of Atlantia, the East soon passed a law that the royalty of the East could no longer participate in royal tournaments while on the throne.
May 29-31st, A.S. XVII [1982] (7), the Barony of Concordia of the Snows (Albany NY) held the War of the Roses, Part II, being a sequel 500 years after Part I. The event endures to this day.
Through the years there have been a large range of common sayings often repeated in the East. Three from this era are collected here:
- The King of the East is first among equals.
- Question: “What do you call the last person left sweeping out the hall after an event?” Answer: “Your Majesty” (8).
- Any guy with a stick can win crown, but only a King can make a knight.
On the weekend of June 19-21 A.S. XXII [1987] the first annual Great Northeastern War was held during the reign of King Randall I, and Queen Marieke I. The war being held between Seashire (Halifax) and Malagentia (southern Maine), it soon became known as the S&M War (9), and it continues and grows to this day.
In the time after Rakkurai and until around A.S. XXII [1987-88], the East had a tradition of giving out award scrolls with standardized wordings which were kept in the Tyger Clerk of the Signet Handbook. So it was that almost every recipient of an award had a wording very close to that of other recipients. In later A.S. XXII it became more common for recipients to receive personalized and detailed wordings, and so prose composition became a part of the growing artistic golden period that was and is, East Kingdom scrolls (10).
Throughout this period, Clan Yama Kaminari became a renewed center of Japanese study, producing peers and royalty in the East, and later in Æthelmearc. Along the way they added pageantry and mirth to Pennsic, and are still highly active.
These households had a huge effect on the East, and are indicative of the rise of households as an administrative form.
On October 10th, A.S. XXII [1987], Morguhn Sheridan became the first unbelted duke in the history of the East (1). Morguhn was knighted in the fullness of time, reigned a third time in the East, and four times in Æthelmearc (2&3) twice as Serene Prince and twice as King, bringing great honor to both kingdoms.
Shortly after New Year’s Day in the spring of A.S. XXIII [1988-89], King Gavin II and Queen Sedalia II held the 41st Crown Tournament of the East Kingdom, with Lord Lucan von Drachenklaue defeating Earl Sebastian Nightwind in the finals (4). Unfortunately, sometime later, while cleaning his car, Lucan discovered the unmailed envelope containing his SCA membership renewal (5). He informed the King and Queen of his faux pas and resultant ineligibility to fight in the tournament. His victory was invalidated.
As a result, two months later King Gavin and Queen Sedalia also held the 42nd Crown Tournament of the East open only to those entrants of the 41st Crown who were still eligible and desirous of fighting again. This Crown was won by Count Randal of the Dark over Duke Morguhn Sheridan (4). A month later, at Pennsic XVII [A.S. XXVIII (1988)], the noble and honest Lucan was made Master at Arms (6), and so too, was Duke Morguhn knighted. In the fullness of time, Lucan and Morguhn served as King a total of 13 times, and three times served as Serene Prince of Aethelmearc.
At Pennsic XVII [A.S. XXVIII (1988)], for the first time in history, the East won the Belted Champions’ Battle (7). Also, for the first time in history, the East lost the Unbelted Champions’ Battle (8). This was only the fourth Unbelted Champions’ Battle whereas there had been many Belted Champions’ Battles through the years. Sir Ino Ogami, founder of Clan Yama Kamanari, and the Eastern Warlord considered winning the Belted Champions’ Battle a quest. So it was that though the war was lost, this quest was finally completed (8).
Beginning in A.S. XXI [1986-87], Syr Andreas Hak led a movement to make Æthelmearc (Central and Western New York, Central and Western Pennsylvania, and the West Virginia panhandle [and now includes all of West Virginia]) a principality. This came to fruition on December 2nd, A.S. XXIV [1989] when Tarbold Celerius and Cainder of Loch Suili were invested as First Prince and Princess of Æthelmearc (3).
May 1st, A.S. XXVI [1991] arrived and the SCA was twenty-five years old. In the East Kingdom, King Randal III and Queen Katherine II reigned. In Drachenwald, Prince Connor and Princess Catherine were on the thrones. In Æthelmearc, Prince Alexander and Princess Rannveigr ruled. Æthelmearc having a somewhat different calendar in that age, they also had heirs. Tanist Lucan and Tanista Jana awaited investiture (1).
The July A.S. XXVIII [1993] issue of Pikestaff carries the event announcement for the First Drachenwald Coronation. The Calendar lists the event as a Royal Progress event and the date as July 1st-4th. What the Calendar, event announcement, and all of the court reports and other references published in Pikestaff in the following months failed to do, was specify on which of those four days the actual Coronation ceremony happened (2). Furthermore, the official history of Drachenwald says only that this happened in July (3), so for the third time in this history, a kingdom is founded on a date that cannot be verified. (Following earlier publication of this history, Countess Genvieve sent word indirectly that the coronation occurred on July 4.)
What matters is that King Tsurunaga and Queen Genevieve traveled across the seas and crowned Sir Elffin O’Mona and Vanna Edwinsdochter Dawburn as first King and Queen of Drachenwald. This happened on July 1st, or 2nd, or 3rd, or 4th of A.S. XXVIII [1993].
And so it was that Drachenwald was no longer part of the East.
In the years around A.S. XXX [1995-96], the East entered the time of the great dukes and duchesses, first among them being Lucan von Drachenklaue having served eight times as King of the East, and once as Prince of Æthelmearc and Duchess Jana von Dachenklaue having reigned five times as Queen of the East, and once as Princess of Æthelmearc. Others from this time include Duke Darius, Duchess Etheldreda (also known as Roxanne), Duke Gregor, Duke Andreas (Ice Falcon), Duke Balfar and Duchess Luna, Duke Edward, and Duke Hanse (4).
On September 20th, A.S. XXXII [1997-98], King Hanse and Queen Moruadh traveled to the Western Marches and crowned Viscount Yngvar the Dismal and Viscountess Caryl Olesdattir as First King and Queen of Æthelmearc (5).
And so it was that Æthelmearc was no longer part of the East.
On January 11th, AS XXXVIII [2003] His Majesty Andreas Eisefalke von Ulm announced that he was stepping down as monarch to answer the call to service in the United States Marine Corps. His Majesty, Baron Dietrich von Ulm was first named as a Regent to act as advisor and support for Her Majesty Isabella of York to continue Her reign. It was quickly determined that East Kingdom law did not then allow for the term Regent, and His Excellency was named an advisor to the Queen. As Andreas made preparations to serve his country, it became unlikely that he would be able to complete his second reign thus making him ineligible for the title of Duke. Soon a petition began to circulate asking the Board of Directors to reconsider the ducal policy in light of the extenuating circumstances. As it happened, the BoD’s next meeting was scheduled for January 25th of that year. The members voted to approve an exception to the Governing Documents to allow Andreas to be created a Duke even if he didn’t finish his reign (6).
January 8th, AS XL (2005) saw the creation of the first female knight of the East when King Thorvald and Queen Svava elevated Ankara Lig Niki to the Order of the Chivalry. Speakers at her ceremony included Master El of the Two Knives, Duke Gavin, and Duchess Jana (5).
On January 31st, A.S. XLIII [2009], King Darius IV and Queen Alethea created Tir Mara a Crown Principality of the East with the Crown Prince and Princess serving as Heads of State for Tir Mara (Atlantic Canada) (1). While this designation has no formal existence under the governing documents of the SCA, it can be used to recognize the growth of a region and can be considered a semi-formal declaration of an area’s intent to work toward Principality status (7). From a cultural point of view, it demonstrates the East Kingdom’s continued willingness to do things beyond (or outside) the official rules of the Society.
In August XLVII [2012] at Pennsic XLI, for the first time the war was not structured as the East versus the Middle, but rather the East and Middle Coalition against the Æthelmearc and Atlantia Alliance. The East and Middle emerged victorious (2). For the next two years, Pennsic returned to the East versus the Middle format, but Pennsic XLIV [A.S. L (2015)] once again featured an Æthelmearc and Atlantia Alliance facing the East and Middle Coalition (4).
On October 3rd, A.S. L [2015], King Darius V and Queen Etheldreda IV were called away and the East Kingdom Seneschale was named Crown Regent Dueña Mercedes Vera de Calafia. She held court long enough to lead the populace in song, and to crown King Brennan II who Crowned Queen Caoilfhionn II (3), in a much happier sequel to East Kingdom Seneschale Elfrida serving as Regent long enough to crown Cariadoc forty-three years earlier.
And so did the East Kingdom complete a half century on a happy note, proud of its independent culture, and its status as the Second Kingdom of the SCA.
This history was written by Andreas Hak, who could easily be wrong on various points because one thing is certain: nothing is certain.
1 – From a letter from Duke Siegfried von Höflichkeit to Syr Andreas Hak dated 29 June 1992.
2 – “The First Tournament.” The History of the Kingdom of the West Annotated Version of April 15th, 2001; by Master Wilhelm von Schlüssel, page 3.
3 – Early History of the SCA by Master John ap Griffon, pages 1 & 2 respectively for the Twelfth Night reports.
1 – Letter from Duke Siegfried von Höflichkeit to Syr Andreas Hak dated 4 May 1992.
2 – “Does the East Deserve a Kingdom?” by Elfrida, Lady Greenwalls in Pennoncel v.3#2 for February 1971 but incorrectly dated 1972, page 7.
3 – From a long phone interview of Sir Eiolf Eriksson by Syr Andreas Hak on 8 April 1992. Some details from which appeared in “An Eastern Origin” in Old News #1 for 1992, page 4.
4 – From conversations with Master El of the Two Knives at the 49th? Coronation of the East 3 April 1992.
5 - From a letter sent from Baron Frederic of Feolildyn to Syr Andreas Hak dated 13 July 1992.
6 – From a letter from Duke Siegfried von Höflichkeit to Syr Andreas Hak dated 29 June 1992.
7 - The History of the Kingdom of the West Annotated Version of April 15th, 2001; by Master Wilhelm von Schlüssel, page 33.
8 – I am looking at a copy of Pennoncel v.1#4 as I write this.
1 – From conversations with Master El of the Two Knives at the 49th? Coronation of the East 3 April 1992.
2 – According to Early History of the SCA by John ap Griffon pages 1 & 2 the regular use of King and Queen was not discussed until Twelfthnight A.S. I held January 1st, 1967, and was not written down until Twelfthnight A.S. II held January 6th, 1968, so it would not be surprising that the information was not readily available in the East a mere six months later.
3 – Early History of the SCA by John ap Griffon page 2.
4 – Pennoncel v.1#4 for October 1968, page 3. This issue is the first in our files and the same issue announcing the upcoming First Crown Tournament.
5 – The History of the Kingdom of the West Annotated Version of April 15th, 2001; by Master Wilhelm von Schlüssel, page 24.
6 – From a long phone interview of Sir Eiolf Eriksson by Syr Andreas Hak on 8 April 1992.
7 – From an email from Baron Frederic of Feolildwyn to Syr Andreas Hak dated 21 Oct 2017.
8 – Pennoncel (v.2#1) for August 15, 1969, page 1.
9 – Pennoncel (v.2#1) for August 15, 1969, page 3.
10 – From a letter sent from Baron Frederic of Feolildyn to Syr Andreas Hak dated 13 July 1992.
11 – The History of the Kingdom of the West Annotated Version of April 15th, 2001; by Master Wilhelm von Schlüssel, page 25.
12 – Tournaments Illuminated v.1#8 as quoted by Schlüssel and in a letter to Syr Andreas Hak from Mistress Aravis del Clare dated 17 June 1991.
13 – East Kingdom Order of Precedence dated 9 July 1990.
14 – “Alphbetical Award Listing – B” Order of Precedence Kingdom of the East http://op.eastkingdom.org/op_name.php?letter=B
15 – Pennoncel v.1#4 for October 1968, page 1.
1 – “Tournament Under the Mountain.” Pennoncel (v.2#1) for 15 August 1969, page 3.
2 – “Memorable Bits of Eastern History” by Duke Akbar. East Kingdom Gazette 8 January 2015. http://eastkingdomgazette.org/2015/01/08/the-memorable-bits-of-eastern-history-by-duke-akbar/
3 – Early History of the SCA by John ap Griffon page 4.
4 – From an interview of Duke Cariadoc by Master Crag Duggan at Pennsic XIX August 1990, part of the Calontir Living History Series.
5 – “West Kingdom Awards List”. Order of Precedence dated 24 December 2015 http://heralds.westkingdom.org/Awards/WestOP.pdf
6 – “Order of the Chivalry”. Order of Precedence: Kingdom of Atlantia. http://op.atlantia.sca.org/op_award.php?award_group_id=1
7 – The Middle Kingdom Order of Precedence. http://www.midrealm.org/op/op.php
8 – In this case “All parties” include those referenced in notes 3 & 4 for this chapter, and Schlüssel page 49.
9 – Midrealm Royalty http://www.midrealm.org/midrealm_royalty.html
10 – The Long List of World Science Fiction Conventions (Worldcons) http://www.smofinfo.com/LL/TheLongList.html
11 – “Calendar for Year 1969 (United States).” Time and Date.com. http://www.timeanddate.com/calendar/?year=1969&country=1
1 – From conversations with Master El of the Two Knives at the 49th? Coronation of the East 3 April 1992 and recounted in “An Observation” Old News #1 for 1992 page 17-18.
2 – “Memorable Bits of Eastern History” by Duke Akbar. East Kingdom Gazette 8 January 2015. http://eastkingdomgazette.org/2015/01/08/the-memorable-bits-of-eastern-history-by-duke-akbar/
3 – Steven Mesnick (Master Steffan ap Kennydd ) on FaceBook 20 June 2018 in “Comments to Peter Olsen”. This is also recounted in the East Kingdom Wiki, but the FaceBook version is a little clearer and fuller. https://www.facebook.com/steve.mesnick/posts/2150049375024547?notif_id=1529350763601775¬if_t=mention
4 – “Eastern Crowns” in Old News #1 for 1992 pages 10-11
5 – “News from the East Kingdom”. Pennoncel v.2#3, page 1.
6 – From an email to Syr Andreas hak from Baron Frederic of Feolildwyn dated 21 Oct 2017.
7 – “Chronicles: Snug Harbour I”. Pennoncel v.3#1, page 7.
8 – “Coronation”. Pennoncel v.3#1, page 8.
9 – East Kingdom Order of Precedence dated 9 July 1990.
1 – “Stevens State Park – Crown Tournament – Hackettstown, New Jersey” Pennoncel v.3#4 for summer 1971, pages 6-7.
2 – “Bonzai, Shogunate!” Pennoncel v.3#5 1971, pages 10-12, quote from page 11.
3 – From a letter sent from Baron Frederic of Feolildyn to Syr Andreas Hak dated 13 July 1992.
4 – As per note 2 for the first two points. The trial of Frederic is noted in “The Council”, Pennoncel v.3#6, page 8. Also as per note 3. Also in “The Fred Phillips Affair” The Deposition of Shlomo ben Shlomo in the Matter of the Actions of Rakkurai of Kamakura, kt, Currently Shogun of the East, undated from 1972, page 1-2.
5 – From conversations with Master El of the Two Knives at the 49th? Coronation of the East 3 April 1992.
6 – “Other Unethical Dealings” Section III, The Deposition of Shlomo ben Shlomo in the Matter of the Actions of Rakkurai of Kamakura, kt, Currently Shogun of the East, undated from 1972, page 8.
7 – As outlined in The Matter of the Actions of Rakkurai of Kamakura, kt. Currently Shogun of the East, undated from 1972, sections by Shlomo ben Shlomo and sections by Count Vardak of Iloi.
8 – This moment in history has been reported to me by multiple people including one eyewitness, however it was never reported on the record, therefore names and references are omitted. It is included here as part of the oral history of the East with the hope that it adds flavor without negative repercussions at this late date.
9 – The collapse of Pennoncel was followed by various issues of Banneret, and The Autocrat’s Advocate, at least one issue called simply East Kingdom Newsletter, until finally Pikestaff #1 emerged in August 1972.
10 – “News of the Known World”, Pikestaff #1, August 1972, pages 4-5.
11 – “War!” Pennoncel v3#6, November 1971, pages 7-8.
12 – From an interview of Duke Cariadoc by Master Crag Duggan at Pennsic XIX August 1990, part of the Calontir Living History Series.
13 – “Memorable Bits of Eastern History” by Duke Akbar. East Kingdom Gazette 8 January 2015. http://eastkingdomgazette.org/2015/01/08/the-memorable-bits-of-eastern-history-by-duke-akbar/
1 – An excellent firsthand account of the Crown won by Jehan is available at “Early Stories of the East from Count Jehan de la Marche”, East Kingdom Gazette, 2 December 2014 http://eastkingdomgazette.org/2014/12/02/early-stories-of-the-east-from-count-jehan-de-la-marche/#more-6775
2 – Taken from a letter sent from Count Jehan to Syr Andreas Hak dated 27 June 1992.
3 – From the East Kingdom Order of Precedence dated 9 July 1990.
1 – “SCA as Grand Theatre” by Tamera FitzGloucestre of the White Boar in ThinkWell, #15 April 1993, page 7.
2 – “Pennsic II”, A History of the Pennsic War, edited by Lady Ts’vee’a bas Tseepora Levi of Granada, 1991, page 4.
3 – From an online posting by Duke Cariadoc dated April 5th, 1994 and available at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/rec.org.sca/_8v1sZy3RvE/10-uydgjVl8J in the thread titled Duke Angus’s trial – result.
4 – “Memories of Pennsic IV” by Countess Brekke Franksdottir and Sir Michael of York, East Kingdom Gazette, 12 May 2015 http://eastkingdomgazette.org/2015/05/12/memories-of-pennsic-iv/#more-8140
5 – From an email to Syr Andreas Hak from Countess Arastorm the Golden, 18 Jun 2018.
6 – Pennsic IV may be the source of more Eastern folklore than any other single event. When I was new to the SCA, people who had heard of the SCA knew of Pennsic Puddle and told stories of it, even though they never joined the Society. I believe it would be great source material for a book. The article cited in Note 4 would be an excellent starting place, as it is full of warmth and wonder.
7 – “Aonghais Dugh MacTarbh.” Compendium Caidis. http://wiki.caid-commons.org/index.php/Aonghais_Dubh_MacTarbh
8 – Chivproject http://www.whitebelt.com/CHIVPROJECT/zweblist.pdf
9 – “Hamwi, Serio Jury Recommends Life”, Sun Sentinel, 5 May 1994, http://articles.sun-sentinel.com/1994-05-05/news/9405050102_1_susan-hamwi-jury-shane-hamwi
10 – “Obituaries of SCA Members” http://sandradodd.com/people/obituaries/sca
1 - “Myrkewood Brethren Stage Second Event” Pennoncel v4#1 for January 1972, pages 2-4 with specific reference on page 4.
2 – At the Atlantean Decennial Event I interviewed many people, and Vuong Manh was one thing they all agreed upon. Much miscellaneous information in this chapter was gathered at that event. I may have recently recovered recordings of some of those interviews, but if so, they are on archaic cassettes which were much distressed by the extreme heat of the day, and will need a specialist to recover them. My attendance at that event was completely due to Viscount Bear who has been a great patron of SCA history efforts.
3 – “AS XI” History of Tir-y-Don, http://tirydon.atlantia.sca.org/About/History/history.php
4 – From an email to Syr Andreas Hak from Countess Ianthé d’Averoigne, 18 June 2018.
5 – Gyrth himself told this story in “The Pennsic War and Me” by Duke Gyrth Oldcastle of Ravenspur in ThinkWell #18 December 1993, pages 1-4. The account is magnificent, and the printed page at least partly captures Gyrth’s magnificent story-telling ability. He is sorely missed by this historian.
6 – “Pennsic VII”, A History of the Pennsic War, edited by Lady Ts’vee’a bas Tseepora Levi of Granada, 1991, page 10.
7 – “Brief and Informal History of the Order of the Pelican.” Compiled by Hilary of Serendip 1989. The History of the Kingdom of the West. Available at: http://history.westkingdom.org/Misc/PelicanHistory.htm. Also printed in Old News #2 for 1993.
8 – Early History of the SCA by John ap Griffon page 8.
9 – From “An Observation” Old News #1 for 1992 pages 16-17.
1 – “First Ice Dragon” The Ice Dragon: The Early Years of History Passing of the Ice Dragon, March 2013 http://www.wnysca.org/Docs/IceDragon_March2013.pdf
2 – This is what Syr Mago told me at the time, and it has never, to my knowledge, been disputed.
3 – “Previous Pennsic War Results” on PennsicWar.Org http://www.pennsicwar.org/ANNUAL/pwhistory.html
4 – “Kingdom Differences & Regional Traits” section by Duke Gyrth Oldcastle of Ravenspur, ThinkWell #3 early August 1991, page 2.
5 – “Kingdom Calendar” Pikestaff v.8#9 September 1979.
6 – Comment from Duke Vissevald Selkirkson to Syr Andreas Hak on Facebook, 18 June 2018. https://www.facebook.com/groups/17551346704/permalink/10155584342926705/?comment_id=10155584399681705¬if_id=1529347662410369¬if_t=group_comment
7 – It difficult for me to know how to cite this information other than to say “I was there.” In fact, it was the first Crown Tourney that I ever fought in. I lost to Hasdrubal in my first fight and Gavin in my fourth fight, so I lost to both the eventual finalists. I wrote some recollections of the non-controversial parts of the event in “The 24th Eastern Crown” in Old News #1 for 1992 pages 14-16
8 – “Welcome to the Kingdom of Acre.” http://www.kingdomofacre.org/index.html
1 – A History of the Pennsic War, edited by Lady Ts’vee’a bas Tseepora Levi of Granada, 1991
2 – “Previous Pennsic War Results” on PennsicWar.Org http://www.pennsicwar.org/ANNUAL/pwhistory.html
3 – From the East Kingdom Order of Precedence dated 9 July 1990.
4 – The October and November issues of Pikestaff list the event as Coronet Tournament, but the December issue which apparently came out just before the event, listed it as a Crown Tournament.
5 – In “Kingship” ThinkWell #19, late January 1994 Duchess Melisande wrote that Atlantia was rushed to kingdom status. “[T]here was this gas crisis, see, and it was hard to drive long distances because you could only buy gasoline on alternate days” page 5.
6 – “The Kings and Queens of Atlantia” Order of Precedence Kingdom of Atlantia http://op.atlantia.sca.org/monarchs.php
7 – “Kingdom Calendar” Pikestaff, February XVI (1982).
8 – “Equality of Peerages” by Duchess Melisande de Belvoir, ThinkWell #15 April 1993, page 13.
9 – “How to Get Yourself into a 20-Year War!” by Mestre [sic] Lyanna of Kernough, with assistance from Master Andrew of York in Aurora Borealis V.1#3 for Third Quarter 2006, page 3-4.
10 – I was quite active in the personalized wording movement, and I probably still have my copy of the Tyger Clerk of the Signet Handbook listing the standardized wordings. While I calligraphed over a hundred scrolls, long after I retired from calligraphy I was still requested to compose prose, helping create the tradition of a scripter separate from the calligrapher.
1 – From the East Kingdom Order of Precedence dated 9 July 1990.
2 – “Kings and Queens of Æthelmearc”. The Sylvan Kingdom of Æthelmearc. http://www.aethelmearc.org/royalty/history.php
3 – “Princes and Princesses of the Principality of Æthelmearc”. The Sylvan Kingdom of Æthelmearc. http://www.aethelmearc.org/royalty/history.php
4 – “Eastern Crowns” in Old News #1 for 1992 pages 10-11.
5 – Confirmed by Duke Gavin via FaceBook Message dated 28 December 2015
6 – “Pennsic XVII”, A History of the Pennsic War, edited by Lady Ts’vee’a bas Tseepora Levi of Granada, 1991, page 26.
7 – As it turns out, I was in charge of the Belted Champions’ Battle for the East that year, my first Pennsic as a knight. Warlord Ogami made it clear that he wanted a plan that would exclude the hero knights, and actually force the Eastern Chivalry to use unit tactics. I offered him a compromise solution that involved having three subunits, one composed of heroes whose goal was to cause confusion by being, well, heroes. The other two units consisted of the fast flanking unit, and a unit of heavy artillery. The hard part, of course, was going to be getting the chivalry to buy into the units. Ogami said, “leave that to me” and he was good to his word. The battle went exactly as planned and the East won dominantly.
8 – As it turns out, I was the only fighter in the East and Middle to fight in both the first Unbelted Champions’ Battle at Pennsic IX, and the second Unbelted Champions’ Battle at Pennsic XIV (and the third at Pennsic XV). Apparently I was the only fighter able to maintain enough quality to be invited to both, and yet to be a sufficiently difficult candidate that I successfully avoided elevation to the chivalry. I was also invited to fight in the fourth Unbelted Champions’ Battle at Pennsic XVI, but I had to respectfully decline due to the inconvenience of a broken leg. I am grateful to King Randall for sending the written invitation despite knowing of my injury. It affirmed that I was invited to every Unbelted Champions Battle that I qualified for.
1 – “Royalty of the East”, Pikestaff Argent Anniversary May A.S. XXVI 1991, page 2.
2 – I looked through many boxes of Pikestaves to no effect trying to nail this down.
3 – “Growth of Drachenwald”, Kingdom of Drachenwald – Twenty Glorious Years, edited by Ariel of Lindisfarne, page 16.
4 – “A History of the Crowns of the East”, East Kingdom of the Society for Creative Anachronism. http://www.eastkingdom.org/EKRoyalHistory.php
5 – “Kings and Queens of Æthelmearc”. The Sylvan Kingdom of Æthelmearc. http://www.aethelmearc.org/royalty/history.php
1 – “Welcome/Bienvenue”. The Crown Principality of Tir Mara. http://tirmara.eastkingdom.org/
2 – “Previous Pennsic War Results” on PennsicWar.Org http://www.pennsicwar.org/ANNUAL/pwhistory.html
3 – “Unofficial Court Report of the Crown Regent of the East” East Kingdom Gazette 5 October 2015 available at: http://www.scatoday.net/aggregator/categories/1?page=7
4 – “Pennsic News” http://aethelmearcgazette.com/2014/12/13/pennsic-news/
5 – “Ankara Made First Female Knight in the East Kingdom” http://www.scatoday.net/node/3398
6 – “More About Dukal Petition for HRM Andreas” http://scatoday.net/story.php?search_id=N-20030113-142454-0003
7 - “Crown Principality” http://cunnan.sca.org.au/wiki/Crown_Principality
IMPORTANT CONTRIBUTORS not otherwise fully noted:
My special thanks to:
Viscount Bear the Wallsbane who coerced me into attending the Atlantean Decennial where a great deal of otherwise impossible research happened. He has always been a stalwart patron of SCA historians, and I have called him the ‘First Citizen of Æthelmearc’ (first in the sense of importance rather than chronology). His contributions to the East and Æthelmearc are immeasurable.
Sir Eiolf Eriksson for granting me a long phone interview, and allowing me to pester him with follow-up questions in person, and via email.
Master El of the Two Knives for taking time out of multiple events to answer my questions.
Countess Ælflæd of Duckford who mailed me ThinkWells and old Pikestaves.
Viscountess Hilary of Serendip who sent me John ap Griffon’s Early History of the SCA, and her history of the Pelican.
Countess Fern de la Foret who was polite in telling me to put my butt in the chair and write the history, and shepherded this through the SCA’s 50 Year Celebration.
Master Steffan ap Kennydd who shared both the story of the Admiral of the Armies, and the confirmation of Vardak’s Court Count status, and also publicized the online version of this, causing other’s to contact me with additions and corrections.
Dame Hrefna Ulfvarinnsdottir who gave this much needed editing, and added important paragraphs to the last chapter.
Many other people who sent me material, letters, and encouragement. This would not have happened without the encouragement from everyone involved.