Herb Kauderer
Orthopedic Horseshoes
Teaching Experience
Courses Taught
Professional Affiliations & Recognitions
Academic Presentations & Related Materials
Full Curriculum Vitae
Poetry Chapbooks & Other Books
Poetry Samples
Links to My Poetry On-Line
"My First 508"
Interviews and Featured Poet appearances
Featured Readings
Book Reviews
'Sacrificial Nights'
Moon Facts by Bob Scholfield
What Stranger Miracles
Crowned: Sign of the Dragon Book 1
'The Role of Lightning in Evolution'
'Why Elephants No Longer Communicate in Greek' by Timons Esaias
Brief Encounters with My Third Eye
Flash Fiction Links
Short Fiction Bibliography
"A Dwarf for Each"
"Standard Repair"
"Sense of Place, Sense of Mystery"
Intro - Come-on from the Horse on 7th Avenue
"No Sense Fighting"
SCA Photos 1
SCA Photos 2
Precedence for Andreas Hak
SCA Persona
Offices Held in the SCA
SCA Writings
Serenity: A History of Eastern Coronets
"The Origin of The Betting Man's Guide
"The New Newsletter"
Old Newsletters
"The New Newsletter"
"When the VOID Was One"
"The Hael's First Baronial Champions Event"
"Aftermeetings: An Excuse to Tell Svid Stories"
"The Origin of Aethelmearc's Ancestral Pelican Medallion"
Remembering Durlome Rakesh d'Mithnan (Dwarf)
Growth Chart of Kingdoms for the First 23 Years of the SCA
Doings... An incomplete and informal chronology of the earliest days of Aethelmearc
History of the East Kingdom
Something Like a Blog
Professional Affiliations
Member of the Horror Writers of America since April 2016
Member of Psi Chi, The International Honor Society in Psychology since August 2015
Member of the Modern Language Association since 2011.
Member of the American Association of University Professors since 2011.
Member of the Association for Canadian Studies in the United States since 2011.
Member of the Science Fiction Poetry Association since 1990
Member of the Society for Creative Anachronism since 1980.
Won the 2019
Hilbert College Excellence in Teaching Award
Won the 2018
Hilbert College Excellence in Scholarship Award
Received Honorable Mention for the 2017
Hilbert College Excellence in Scholarship Award
Received Honorable Mention for the 2016
Hilbert College Excellence
in Service Award.
Nominated for the 2015
Hilbert College Excellence in Scholarship Award
Nominated for the 2014
Hilbert College Excellence in Scholarship Award
March 2012, runner-up for
best conference paper
for 2011 Crossing Borders Conference for “Arts Funding in Canada, Alberta, and Ontario”.
Nominated for the 2011 University at Buffalo
Presidential Scholarship
Elected to
Who's Who
Among Students in American Universities & Colleges:
Recipient of
Hilbert College Arts Grant
in Fall 2005.
Orthopedic Horseshoes
Teaching Experience
Courses Taught
Professional Affiliations & Recognitions
Academic Presentations & Related Materials
Full Curriculum Vitae
Poetry Chapbooks & Other Books
Poetry Samples
Links to My Poetry On-Line
"My First 508"
Interviews and Featured Poet appearances
Featured Readings
Book Reviews
'Sacrificial Nights'
Moon Facts by Bob Scholfield
What Stranger Miracles
Crowned: Sign of the Dragon Book 1
'The Role of Lightning in Evolution'
'Why Elephants No Longer Communicate in Greek' by Timons Esaias
Brief Encounters with My Third Eye
Flash Fiction Links
Short Fiction Bibliography
"A Dwarf for Each"
"Standard Repair"
"Sense of Place, Sense of Mystery"
Intro - Come-on from the Horse on 7th Avenue
"No Sense Fighting"
SCA Photos 1
SCA Photos 2
Precedence for Andreas Hak
SCA Persona
Offices Held in the SCA
SCA Writings
Serenity: A History of Eastern Coronets
"The Origin of The Betting Man's Guide
"The New Newsletter"
Old Newsletters
"The New Newsletter"
"When the VOID Was One"
"The Hael's First Baronial Champions Event"
"Aftermeetings: An Excuse to Tell Svid Stories"
"The Origin of Aethelmearc's Ancestral Pelican Medallion"
Remembering Durlome Rakesh d'Mithnan (Dwarf)
Growth Chart of Kingdoms for the First 23 Years of the SCA
Doings... An incomplete and informal chronology of the earliest days of Aethelmearc
History of the East Kingdom
Something Like a Blog