The Origin of Aethelmearc's Ancestral Pelican Medallion
At Pennsic 1990, King Ronald III & Queen Bronwyn II made Andreas Hak the 55th Master of the Pelican in the history of the East. After the ceremony, Gravin Eva van Oudeachterkol (24thQueen of the East) came to see Andreas. She explained that the assembled Pelicans of the East wished Aethelmearc to have a new tradition when we created our own members of the Pelican, but also to have some connection to our parent group. Thus they raised funds among themselves and obtained a Pelican medallion that had been worn by no one. They asked Andreas to wear it as the first citizen of Aethelmearc to receive the Pelican after Aethelmearc’s elevation to principality. They charged Andreas not to pass it on until Aethelmearc was a kingdom and made their own Pelicans at which time they hoped the medallion would become Aethelmearc’s ancestral medallion.
In the fullness of time (seven years) Aethelmearc became a Kingdom. The gift medallion from the East was refurbished by Master James O’Neill, and presented when King Yngvar and Queen Caryl elevated Cori Ghora, and she became the first member of the Pelican elevated by Aethelmearc. That medallion is still the ancestral medallion and every effort is made to see to it that every Pelican made in Aethelmearc wears it.
In the fullness of time (seven years) Aethelmearc became a Kingdom. The gift medallion from the East was refurbished by Master James O’Neill, and presented when King Yngvar and Queen Caryl elevated Cori Ghora, and she became the first member of the Pelican elevated by Aethelmearc. That medallion is still the ancestral medallion and every effort is made to see to it that every Pelican made in Aethelmearc wears it.